yells and pulls a pipis out of his eyehole and tosses it at the strange voices
Rushes Neo to the first floor
He is just wandering around, just vibing around. Daily Big Shot enrichment
Another letter comes through the door, addressed to ‘Neo’
blearily wakes up, unsure of how he managed to get back to his room? He looks at his door and sees the letter on the floor in front of it and picks it up
Dear Neo,
Hi. I’m sure it hasn’t been very long there, but it’s been a bit here. Actually, it’s been nearly 3 months. But I’ll be back soon! Don’t worry too much.
We’re on a reunion tour!! And it’s nice. I’m reconnecting with everyone and they’re my friends again.
I’ll get you guys something.
Also check the back of this letter for something important.
Love, Ceiling G. Spamton
On the back, there’s a little handmade card.
It says:
“Bestie Status Renewed. No expiration date.”
On the back of the card, there’s a little doodle of all the spamtons in the chamber.
awwwww he's crying!
he wipes at his face and carefully detaches the card from the letter, sticking it into his chest pocket for safekeeping
heads out of his room towards the faint singing
The cowboy lasso tool carrying surveys the second floor, inspecting everything with extreme care
peeks in the window of the second floor and watches
HELLO.Leaves out a soft yet tender squeak before recomposing himself and bowing
G'day mate. You wouldn't have happen to have spotted Spamton anywhere, would you?points at himself
I'M ONE. THERE'S SOME DOWNSTAIRS. NOBODY ELSE IS UP HERE THOUGH!He nods, inspecting the big lad. He is spamton shaped but the guy they're looking for is microscopic. He bows down and begins to head up to the attic anyways
Thank you for the helpful directions, I will keep it in mind.He sighs harder, holding a sleeping neo and walking to his room. In his way he got a water bottle from the kitchen and an ibuprofen and sets him to bed, tucking him in properly.
Old man you really need to behave, geez. That was actually funny though.snnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
As he walks past Neo’s bedroom, he yells from the hallway
He heads to his own room
he mumbles quietly under his breath, still asleep
GNIGHT B'STIENeo is tossing fitfully in his sleep, sweat dripping down his brow.
He is Dreaming
There is no answer.
Neo continues walking for an undetermined amount of time until suddenly. He Freezes.
He is Not Alone
Neo whips around at the sound of an all too familiar voice. It's His.
The Neo in the mirror laughs
before [[neo]] can say another word, a loud crack is heard, followed by the sound of shattering glass
Neo's fist is throbbing in pain, black blood dripping down the knuckles. The [[neo]] in the mirror is gone. For Now.
Everything fades back to black as there is faint laughter heard in the distance.
Knock Knock
OHHHH [bestie!]!! I MADE YOU SOME [cofee to wake up]!!he wakes up with a jolt
Knock knock
I DONT WANNA [just barge in on him!] WHAT IF YOURE NAKED OR SOMETHING... And ends up following him upstairs
Takes a moment to compose himself, head pounding
COME IN.....He does so, slowly and as quietly as possible
Take that medicine [big shot!!!!] leFT YOu.he takes the medicine and the coffee gratefully, noticing his left hand is sore
sips his coffee cutely
gets out of bed and stretches, wincing a bit
I FEEL LIKE I GOT HIT BY [RV KILLER] AGAINconsiders stealing the warm spot on the bed
[Bestie] DID YOU [sweat it out!] OR SOMETHING LAST NIGHT??? YOUR HAIRS [a little messed up]claps his hand on ceilings boulder appreciatively before headed down stairs to the common area
He’s also heading down
He finally gets out of the pipis pile and heads happily back into his office, opening the door and seeing....something.
He screams in pure anger, getting on all fours and lunging after him, his face looks like a tomato
He is screaming violently, reaching and trying to bite him in any way possible
YOU FUCKING GREMLIN GIVE MY WATCH BACK I'M TIRED OF YOUR HORRIBLE ACTS FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOUHe screams, somehow, louder and starts chasing him for his watch. You can take anything from him. Not his watch
GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKER THIS IS THE LAST TIME YOU DO THIS TO MEHe's chasing him on all fours, running like a honey badger specifically
He goes for it faster, his anger mixed with the chase is making smoke come out of his ears like he's a train. He is making tea kettle sounds.
IM ABOUT TO YOUR LIFE IS OVER!! OVER!! OVER!!!!He tackles him at full speeds, both go tumbling through the corridor in a comedic scene.
IM GOING TO KILL YOU GREMLINHe stays on top of him, making a hiss that's a mix of a cat's a a cockatiel's, he looks like he just got out of a storm
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArounds the corner and enters the hallway, his blind eye towards the disaster going on so he doesnt immediately see what the fuck is happening
BIG SHOT YOU SOUND LIKE YOU'RE [died] OR [causing death]whips his head around and finally see's the fucking beat down
HOLY SHIT WHAT DID YOU DO HE'S NORMALLY [pacifist route]He raises his fist up in anger preparing to place a very bad punch. I think we all know what these arms can do.
is going to intervene but decides not to, staying back and watching the fight unfold
.... REMEMBER THE TEACHINGS [kid]He aims, he feels himself getting even madder before just punching the floor to the side of his head and getting up in frustration. He can't actually do it
GOD DAMN IT.He goes back down and takes his watch from him, though. That's his.
sighs and approaches big shot, tentatively putting a hand on his shoulder
REMEMBER TO BREATH, KINGhe raises and eyebrow at young money spamton
YOU WANTED TO GET YOUR SHIT ROCKED? YOU SOUND [disappointment]gives him a withering gaze, reaching into his suit jacket
YOU KNOW WHAT. THAT MIGHT BE TRUE.He does his breathing, Steam coming out of his head in a concerning level, but his face seems to be getting less red. He gets up and gives neo a sad look but doesn't say anything
whips his hand out and throws a knife directly at young money, aiming to just barely graze him
BUT I'M [built different]rummages around in his jacket pocket
he's walking over towards young money
he looks at his outstretched hand and looks up at him
he takes out another knife and stabs him through the palm
He's smiling uncomfortably and tries shifting in between the two
Stares at This gremlin of a man and winces
narrows his eyes
He takes spencer's hand and summons a healing angel, then turns to neo with an uncomfortable grin
HI BIG SHOT HI [bestie] HI... YOU!
stays his hand for now, looking at big shot
YOU DO ?side-eyes spender
IM GAME IF HE ISNT TOO [chickenshit] FOR ITsits down across from spencer
ALRIGHT THEN. PUT YOUR [money where your mouth is]Fast asf running
follows big shot up the stairs, eyes narrowed towards spencer
Follows him curious but careful
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?He pulls him off his stuff
He looks at the box, looking at him with a confused face
WHY DO YOU HAVE EXTRA PARTS IN A BOX?He rubs under his nose and sighs
IF IT'S NOT WEIRD YOU KNOW WE'RE KIND OF NOT REALLY THE SAME PERSON. I DON'T CARE. WHY DO YOU HAVE EXTRA HANDS?He eyes the knife and takes it from his hand, glaring at him
He freaks out, realizing what he did
OOPS SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WERE DONEHe puts the knife back in his hand
He pulls it back again, this time pocketing the knife and summons a healing angel to try to heal him
He notes the angel doesn't seem to be able to heal him and feels very bad about it
I'M...Sorry though, is there any way I can help relieving the pain?He heads and picks his VERY expensive makeup kit, handing it to him and sighing
His....tiny eyes widen for a second, realizing some of the familiarity to his own self
Before bursting into laughter
Points at him accusingly
He sighs and rolls his eyes
SUIT YOURSELF THEN.He turns his head away from him dramatically
runs up to the closed (?) office door and instead of saying anything or knocking, throws a knife at the door
HEY EVERY ! THE VIBES COMING FROM THIS ROOM RIGHT NOW ARE [VIBE CHECK FAILED! ] [RANCID]He tackles Money once again, cartoon cloud fighting ensues
walks in and just. watches. he's holding another knife
watches with growing pride towards big shot for holding his own. He aims a knife and decides to throw it into the fray, aiming for spencer
He puts Spencer in a chokehold and holds him up
[A]He is carrying his ass unceremoniously
WELL ANYWAYS, DINNER TIME NEO? I smell something nice downstairsHe walks upstairs, to his office, locking it behind him. He's holding a bag of sweets pink gave him from his stash and some juice. He isn't hungry. He sets it to the side and really wishes he had set a bed in his office. He's got no energy to head back to cyber city. His knees hurt.
Instead he flops in the pipis pile he's been making. Stacking as many as he can on top of him for weight. This'll do for now
He stands at the start of the corridor, at the top of the stairs. He looks around and shouts down the corridor
Anyone alive in here?there's a very soft tap-tap at the window to Big Shot's office. If he looks, there's a pillow and a blanket tucked up against the window, sitting on the windowsill. He can take it if he wants.
He does hear the tap and checks out with all the energy he has. He sees the blankets, goes to his desk and writes a post it note. Next time SRN checks it out he'll see nothing but a note written "thank you" in it
He timidly walks a few steps into the corridor. He feels like he's intruding in someone else's home, which rationally sounds ridiculous, but he still doesn't really feel a sense of belonging here. He doesn't even know who these doors belong to.
Hello?He hears it, he gets up and opens the door. He looks like shit.
He gestures for him to come in while he flops on the pile
Welcome to big shot autos how may I help you?He walks in, leaves the door half closed
I mean
I'm not gonna ask what happened
I can recognize a bad trip aftermath when I see it
Dead guy included
He clears his throat, and his voice changes to a more sober, serious tone,as he leans down to sit on the pile next to big shot
I, uh
Is there anything I can do?scamper scamper
scampers up the stairs make way make way
He opens his office and keeps a deathstare at Spencer, watching him eat. He better fucking behave
He is FUMING. He's going for the kill and starts walking closer to him.
He puts a hand on his shoulder and grips him tight
JUST. BE QUIET FOR ONCE.His face is caked in food remix...He's quiet for a few seconds before he grips him closer and Tackles him, angrily screaming, once again. This one sounds particularly distressed
He is tumbling again with him, trying to fight but just rough him, bumping into his desk, and pipis, scattering several things everywhere
Now not only his face is full of sticky food but its also full of sand and with his eyes stinging. He sits down to rub his face for a bit before attacking him again, this is a perfect chance for him to escape
He chases Spencer on all fours after wiping his face a bit , screaming his lungs out after him
He enters the office....oh god it is a mess. He ignores it though and sees Spencer. He opens his cabinet and takes a wad of dark dollars, slapping it in front of him
That should help with some...stuff. Anyways.He observes carefully, and decides to take this time to take out his own suit off, time to switch up to something for the night... A casual sweater and sweatpants should work. He also towels off his head and cleans himself as much as he can
So...About your body...How did it happen? Why can't you bleed?He sighs and heads out of his office, closing the door and letting Spencer by himself. He stands on the corridor. He actually isn't sure what do do at this point. Sleepover sounds nice but he's...too conflicted to ask. He won't. He just leans on the walls and stays like that for a while
comes up the stairs just as spencer leaves and sees Anton leaning against the wall, walking over and joining him.
HEYHe looks at Seb, looking down and taking his lighter and one cig from his pockets
Hey.wordlessly pats his shoulder and squeezes it gently
He smiles a little bit with the reassurance, handing him the items.
'Sup.smiles and takes them, storing them into jacket pocket
Seems like you kind of had it rough tonight. Need someone to [vent app for android and ios] about it?He takes a deep breath, thinking
I would like that. Though it is stupid.He looks defeated, but nods
...pipis sound nice. I don't think I want to just stand here...If you don't mind.wraps his arm around his shoulders, leading him to his room
if I minded i wouldnt'a offered!He follows him inside, still very awkwardly just following Seb. His lack of confidence in his actions is very noticeable
swings open the door to his room and walks in, gesturing to the sizable pipis pile in the corner of the room and settles in, patting a spot next to him
C'mon, get over hereHe does so, settling himself near him and rubbing the bridge his nose.
I'm not even going to fake it. That was bad.He covers his face, curling up a bit
I felt so fucking useless, I felt like I couldn't do shit!!!pulls big shot into a hug, squeezing him tight
Listen. I know i wasnt in there when shit went down. But the way you're sayin' it, it sounds like it was an accident. Its not like you intended to stab the guy. The shit with skunkton? you werent so mad you were red in the face, willingly going into that [hellhole] of a bathroom to chase after him. Sounds like you had one major [panic attack - dream theater]. Its no wonder you couldnt'a done shit right away.He hugs him back, closing his eyes and resting on him
I never had it to be this bad! I don't like feeling like I can't control shit! And i think I understand why every spamton over the age of 30 has been THAT desperate now! You wanna know the worst part? He looks up to his face
When I looked at the mirror for a fleeting instant I saw a puppet. I was myself.keeps him in a tight embrace, rubbing his back a little in soothing circles
Guess theres a first time for everything, huh?holds anton back a bit, looking at his face
Y'look the same to me, Anto- Big shot. Like Absolute [death warmed over] But no puppet-y fuckin features that I can see.He keeps hugging him, letting out a sound that sounds like a low repetition of a Windows 98 Nature exclamation sound, it's almost purr-like in quality.
He breathes deeply then laughs as he's looked at.
Do I look like a car hit me? It sure feels like so... It sucks to feel so hopeless like this but I guess, at least someone understands.laughs a bit and makes a sound similar to the Windows 98 Mystery theme Maximize beep, squeezing Anton again
Yeah I've been thinkin', I might start going by Seb. Feels.... Better? Weird. I feel like you understand aHEAHAruffles his hair a bit
His smile is mischievous for once since earlier.
But yeah. I don't know why but both names fit me. I don't think you can separate that from us now.... I don't feel much of a big shot right now though. But That's something for later.
He practically melts with his hair being ruffled, seems like today any walls he's been putting up to not be embarrassing are down. He makes repeated computer purring, leaning onto it, almost like a type of creature, which he is.
his face goes red a bit
U-UNCLE SEBBY MIGHT BE A BIT MUCH......he likes it but wont admit it
continues to ruffle anton's hair, glad to see he's relaxing a bit. He honestly needed this too, but thats not important at the moment.
He laughs a little more, snuggling up a bit more and bringing one hand to Seb's head as well
I need a vacation if I'm all honest. I'm going to mind my business for a while unless it's for you or Sera...laughs, leaning into anton's hand
You fuckin' deserve one kid, with the shit you've had to witness. You know Sera and I will always be here for you, yeah?conveniently ignores the secret weapon mention, making some computer-tone chirps as he settles into the pipis
takes one of the pipis and lobs it at the wall, watching it hit the ceiling with a loud "thunk"
He plays with his hair so very gently, he seems to be really good at working out any possible knots so gently that they wouldn't even hurt. The perks of being a social addison is being able to execute great social grooming. His sounds won't stop either. It sounds like a computer room
At this point...I like to think we're in for the long haul.makes a whirring sound, melting into the touch a bit. He hasnt experienced social grooming in. Fucking Forever. Its nice.
You hear a distant [A]
And then, the door opens slowly.
... DID YOU THROW SOMETHING AT [his final resting place]???pats the pipis pile
Get the fuck over 'ere SeraHe scuttles over quickly... missed these guys for like 3 hours so bad.
He settles down for the evening.
chirps a laugh and pulls Sera closer into the fucking cuddle pile they have going on
Missed you too [jerkcity]Freaking warm cuddle pile over here
Laughing and snuggling close to both
HAEHAEAHAEHAEgrabs Sera's hand, making sure he can't leave
TOO BAD! You're stuck with us now!He squeezes Seb’s hand, and takes hold of Anton’s.
He holds Sera's hands, squeezing it softly and smiling. He's so content right now.
He reaches for Sera's hair to test the waters
Because that somehow might've saved me from something worse than this.Hairs all yours, Anton.
Glad you’re still young [ with a twinkle in your eye].
You even have a [wacky uncle] and his [bestie] to catch you, no matter what happens.They hear thumping on the wall... Someone sounds very upset
DO YOU HAVE ANY [ laughs and lobs another pipis at the wall
Thumps on the wall again in response
There's a disgruntled noise at Sera's comment
DON'T MAKE ME GO [[Turn this car around]]! !He's laughing loudly and leaning on Seb for support. What a fool
More thumping
QUIET!grins and squeezes Anton
Maybe we should [lays potato chips] off the old guyHe nods and leans on him to rest
Alright. I think i've had enough for now.pulls them all in close and ruffles both anton's AND sera's hair
He places one of those old man hard candies in Anton’s Pocket.
And cuddles into the both of them.
family, huh?
He closes his eyes...And falls asleep immediately. He's so tired. Virtual Snork mimimi plays.
squeezes them both one last time before closing his eye, finally falling asleep as well
He’s still awake... for now. He’s just... enjoying this calm, for however long it lasts.
‘perhaps it’s bad luck to say it now.... but. tomorrow will be better.’
this is the most comfortable sleep he’s ever had.
slowly opens his eye and stretches, feeling more well rested than he has in years
He settles down again into the warmth
Think I have to [return dvd here!] Back to my world for a bit today.
Rehearsing... something I’m writing with the guys.yawns and settles in as well, nodding
WOW MR. [popularity contest] NOW AIN'T YAHes not getting up yet, but he stretches his stuff legs out
his face is turning red. what the hell
D-DONT MAKE ME TOSS YOU OUT OF THE [communal pile nap] !!!!!He rests a hand in Seb’s hair. Glancing over to Anton.
THINK YOU CAN [babysit] WITHOUT ME FOR A FEW HOURS?leans into Sera's hand, eye closing again
OF COURSE I CAN WATCH OVER MY [beloved nephew] ON MY OWN WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR ! He gently scratches Seb’s head
JUST MAKING SURE!! [hehe]smiles and makes some computer-like chirps
laughs and pushes Sera out of the pile
STOP [car stalling? call big shot autos at-] AND GET GOING!UGH THIS BITCH! Well. He really did have to get up or someone would come looking for him.
FINE FINE! MISS YOU ALREADY [bestie whom I care for]
TELL ANTON I SAID [ *cares for you deeply] WHEN HE WAKES UP.
He grabs a brush, and his toothbrush, a change of clothes, and he’s out the door and gone.
he's still laughing, waving Sera off. He looks over at Anton who is still sleeping and ruffles his hair before getting up himself and stretching out his joints, which have gone a little stiff
jumps, not expecting the harsh ringtone to break the silence. He takes out his phone and presses the "Accept Call" button
HELLO HELLO YOU'VE REACHED BIG SHOT AUTOS, YOU CHECK 'EM WE WRECK 'EM! HOW CAN I [assistance needed] YOU TODAY?winces and holds the phone farther away
OUCHJolts up by listening to that sound, quiet still, looking at the source of the sound with confusion
shakes his phone a bit, not realizing Anton is awake yet
HELLO?? HELLO??? [signal lost] ???looks behind him and see's anton, shooting him a quick wave good morning
I MEAN WE JUST WOKE UP SO [negative] I CAN'T SAY WE AREHe looks at Seb, waving back and listening to the phone a little groggily
winces again, but is getting used to the outbursts of garbage noise
freezes a bit
Leave the guy alone for once fuckin hellhe's gripping his phone tightly, sweating a bit
He settles deep into the pipis
drags his free hand down his face, a headache forming behind where his missing eye should be
He gets up, a little wobbly and places a hand on Sebs shoulder, giving it a squeeze
leans against anton a bit, exhausted a bit already
I MEAN. GUESS I CAN'T BLAME YOU FOR THAT [haha, one!] PALWhispering to Seb
I dont think he can bake* This sound cannot even be replicated by mojibake.
* What the hell was that?
Looking at seb with a "Are you seeing this shit" face
gives anton an exasperated look, he is unfortunately seeing this shit
throws his hands up
[A]his head hurts
He holds Seb worried and reaches to rub a temple
Shhh its gonna be alrightchirps and slumps over a bit
I WASNT EXPECTIN' ANYTHING VOID MAN ! YOU CALLED MEHe runs through the door again, looking panicked
He scuttles over to the dresser looking for somethin- THERE IT IS! Lucky guitar pick. Loser.
He’s gone again just as quick.
coughs and starts a bit, not expecting to hear garbage noise come from his own mouth
Vine boom sound
looks at anton, raising his eyebrow and laughing a bit
Squeezes his shoulder worried
Uh... that's a little bit of a vocal distortion here, can you repeat that?coughs some more, panic creeping its way into his expression now
pats anton on the back
I DONT LIKE COVERING IT. FEELS WEIRD IF SOMETHING IS [head on, apply directly-] ON ITshakes his phone a bit
HELLO??? HELLO???rubs at the bridge of his nose a bit, his head still throbbing. He could barely understand what the void man was saying but It definitely seemed worrying.
lights up a cigarette and takes a deep drag, resting alone for a little while longer before heading down to the common area
He slides here at high speeds, handing Seb the horrible mug, saluting and running back to the common area with no words
looks at the mug and fucking loses it
When you walking
He’s going to climb into his bed. He’s so used to living in the trash that it’s hard for him to remember to actually use this bed. Soon enough though, he’s out like a light.
He shivers in his sleep. Oh no, the bad vibes.
climbs up the walls and melts into the shadows
::::)He’s just going to hide his body under the covers now OK GOOD NIGHT
He’s awake, but he’s laying in his bed, staring at nothing in particular. He can’t find it in himself to get out of bed today.
omg twinsies!
Oh hell yeah depression twinsies
He gets up, following Spencer and grabbing him by the scruff of his neck with no hesitation
My doorknob.He smacks his head
Not the point. You have to fix it.Smacks him again
Mind your manners. You work for me now if you can't pay your way out of debt.He strikes him with an electric shock from his tail, looking unamused.
Try again. I'm sure you can figure out a basic color, kid.he smacks him again
Wrong name.Smack
Smack with extra force, twice
He just keeps striking him with more smacks
Yeah? Really? I couldn't have figured it myself. I'm not letting you go until you say my name properly.He stops, and thinks for a bit.
hmmm Rose isn't that bad.He smacks him again for good measure before pausing. He seems satisfied.
Actually. I like Rosario. Keep that one.He drags spencer off screen, for a very long lesson on how to behave.
He takes it as a friendly chase and gets on all fours, running after him, making delighted , screechy sounds trying to grab his ass
He sprints down running still, Smiling so delightfully.
It is not actually pink, but rather, a very tiny angel staring straight at his soul. Anton's unholy creature sounds inch closer in the background
It launches viciously for his face.
He tries scratching him angrily, but turns out these are only really useful for keeping watch as an alarm and healing.
It can't fly. it's wings are fake. It just sits there pathetically
He barges in the door, smiling so widely
❣❣SPENCER❣❣He plops it down and smiles happily, before seeing what he's doing and trying to grab him
He reaches for him, a bit dramatically in all honesty
He grabs him and squeezes him close to a hug.
DON'T....GO. He chirps sadly, despite being taller and bigger he looks very pathetic right now
And in here. He looks to all of the doors in the corridor, trying to figure out which of them would house his new lovestruck buddy. Not the one with a halo painted on it, that's for sure. That one has evil energy.
His questions are answered for him as the sweet smell of flowers comes forward with a pink stream of smoke from the cracks under one of the doors. Bingo! He approaches it cutely and knocks on the door.
⏰ He raises an eyebrow. What a pleasant surprise
He leans on the door frame
He looks at him for a while, up and down, as if assessing his goods.
To hell with people that only sorta like him and don't appreciate him enough. Love manifests in all sorts of ways after all!
Up to and including...
He closes the door behind him and walks up to the bed, his smile slowly growing wider.
❤️He raises his eyebrows, his smile changing slightly
He lays down on the bed, testing its sturdiness. That'll do. He props a head up on his elbow.
⏰ Please, my mouth is drier than a nun ⏰
I've eaten nothing but letters for two days.He was a bit busy while Spamtoon took care of the liquors. When he turns back, one more button on Greedton's shirt is open, revealing just a modest little peek at his chest hair resting over a fairly disappointing pair of tits. He throws a hand up in the air.
He winks at Spamtoon
❤️He takes the glass and nods vigorously
Sounds like a plan!
He raised his glass for a toast
❤️Soundtrack: through here as well
He walks in, god knows where he was at
Are you done with your homework, boy?He takes it, examining the answers, raising his eyebrow
[Wrong, try again]. I'm handing you 10 more if you keep at this rate.He grabs spencer from behind, carrying him out the room
He doesn't mind the wiggling, he's a cat, a pure liquid already and drags his ass downstairs.
He sets him down and holds his hand
Let's go.He pulls him along, very strongly so both are downstairs
I'm very generous. And we're replacing doorknobs today.He kicks his legs and steps away from the attempts, smacking his head with his tail as they walk. REally. is it this hard to go downstairs?
Greedton didn't exactly have the best recollection of the night, but knowing that he woke up with a splitting headache and clinging to a 3 feet tall little cartoon guy that makes cuckoo noises when he's overwhelmed, he got the picture pretty quick. God bless champagne.
He still felt pretty feverish. Pretty loving still. He scribbled a little "let's get together again another time, babe" message as he used to do to many people he's only ever seen once and then never again, and then left silently, closing the door behind him.
He could use some coffee. And letters.
he's up here now, almost skipping while looking for a specific door. He finally stops in front of the door with a halo. he smiles wide and fruitily knocks on the door with a little flourish
HELLO HELLO!!! WAKEY WAKEY SLEEPY HEAD~He doesn't look asleep.
invites himself in, lightly stepping over to the poor man
WELL HELLO THERE SKUNKY !!! ITS BEEN [time is flying by! don't forget to get your orders in for free delivery by valentines!] SINCE I'VE SEEN U!!!!He shifts to glance at him, then takes a more thorough double take. Seb's so saccharine it knocked him out of his woe is me funk in an instant.
[Down with the sickness][Terribly] EH
I HAVEN'T BEEN OUTsquats down next to skunkton, ruffling his hair
U SHOULD COME OUT AND VISIT MORE!!! WE [miss you so terribly] U KNO!!!!!he holds out the paper bag. it has a letter stapled to the top
-specil delivery-
JUST 4 U FROM SOMEOEN WHO CARES !He cranes his neck down to the touch at first, and then points to his bed with his nose, a silent request for him to put it there
NO, I [Begged] FOR THESE
[[Ramsonware for hire]]
AND THE LETTER?smiles, looking genuine
LIKE I SAID WE MISS U!!!!!His grimace shifts up slightly
I'LL COME [Downtown] IN A BITchirps happily, patting his head again
stands up and readjusts his outfit, making sure he looks ~absolutely perfect~
ARE U GONNA OPEN IT AND SEE WHAT IT SAYS!!!!!giggles and does a fucking peace sign.
He kneels up and then stands up, hands on his hips. His expression is oddly mild.
WHY DON'T YOU GO TO THE [Kitchen appliances at a disc-]
AND FIX YOUR DEAR [[Relationship not found]] SKUNKTON SOME COFFER?
I'LL BRING DOWN THE [Love letter for me <3] SO I CAN OPEN UP WITH YOUclaps and dashes out of skunkton's room, headed towards the kitchen
He squints and memorizes their faces, and takes a good look at the pink addison one
Looks interesting.He hands it back, laughing and deciding to take an old man nap as well
sure.Barges in, sensing a letter on the ground and running on all fours after him, making a very upsetting sound as a distraction
He tackles him, snatching the letter from his hand with his mouth , crunching it and swallowing it, he looks immediately sickened but seems triumphant about it
[Important ! Read carefully !!] [Dangerous Virus Warning] [How to protect yourself from the IL0VEY0U bug!] [There is a dangerous virus circulating!!!!!]He turns around and sees the wallet, skimming over them and specially fixating on the yellow one... he looks distracted
he keeps eyeing his hand where he is holding the wallet, squinting very suspiciously
DON'T YOU KNOW INTERNET SAFETY 101?Gets off him smiling, looking satisfied he prevented a letter incident
Alright. I haven't seen you around much, what's up?He enters the beast. He's so ready
He summons several tiny cupid Virotons, all scampering around the hallway. They may be explosive, they may not. Who knows.
ALRIGHT WE'RE READYHe isn't much better, but the way spencer moves gets him to just lose balance already and nudge against the viroton. His heart breaks for him. Ouch. He pushes forward, crying fake tears for effect as they move.
。・゚゚* (>д<) *゚゚・。 MY POOR MINIS!!!!He just gets up, lifting the whole car as spencer smacks into the viroton, charging across the hallway, laughing this time. He avoided it!!! he really did before going back on all fours to continue the "race".
The drift jerks him violently away and he just screams as he hits a miniviro, it explodes into pixel confetti and he's covered in sparkles
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHe opens up his bedroom door and walks out, attracted by the noise. He's wearing novelty dollar sign boxers and a wifebeater, drinking a can of something or other. He looks confused.
WHAT THE [Frick frack paddy wack] ARE YOU TWO DOINGHe gets struck like a bowling pin. His beverage is spilling all over the floor.
He's sweating bullets. He starts crying, the tears legit this time
I KILLED AN OLD MAN.He nods, pixel tears flowing from his face as he picks up skunkton and loads him in the cungadero.
HE WOULD'VE LOVED [ 麦当家.Michael Alone]Trying to suppress tears as they go downstairs
Upstairs again, he's sweating bullets as he unloads people from the beat up vessel. Picking up Skunkton and holding his body like its a corpse, laying him back in his bed in the room in a position you would put someone in a coffin. He walks back to the corridor, seeing the spilled drink, picking it up and reformatting it into more glitch water, and putting it by his side...he'll need it in the afterlife.
He comes back to and sits up, blinking
UH-WUH?He runs away holding Spencer and running to Rosario's room to deposit him there
Closes the door on these two and giggles as he gets on all fours and tiptoes downstairs.
He actually goes back in front of Pink's room, knocking it very lightly and waiting like a good boy
Opens it curiously and sees the virus, and lets him in.
Tackles Spencer again, snuggling and chirping as he holds him
he opens the door to his room and closes it, surprisingly quietly. the door locks with a click
The walls in this house are really thin. It's easy to hear this from adjacent rooms. on loose, he walks towards his room, seeming to remember where it's at, singing a little bit to himself as he barges in
Money, money, money... Must be funny,In the rich man's world--OH HI. UH.He is concerned about the sounds and approaches his back, a bit nervous.
Well that is concerning. He decides the things he did in the living room could help sorting out the issue.
Well. I don't know what that is and no one has explained to me yet because they're all really upset with me, but I do know a nice solution to your [Concerning sounds]
He wraps his arms around him for a hug.
He hugs him tighter...Here it is again that feeling of familiarity.
He tilts his head
Thanks, Spencer ! I will be careful.
The lens don't really bother or blind him because his protective third eyelid is covering his eyes, and these are made to absorb extra bright lights and not really blind him. He starts glowing in satisfaction.
RIGHT I came here instrumentHe's yawning. It seems like he's still not very rested. He rustles around on his pipis pile, picks one up, but the familiarity of being surrounded by little blue...and some bright magenta eggs, he falls asleep in a very weird position.
He's somehow wormed his way into clinging to spencer like a koala, so when the new windows start up sound rings again, it plays right by his ear
mmmmPurring against him, he dumps noses and whines
[Ugh]He stays clinging to him, actually, his grip is tighter but he seems lightweight now
Justba little bit moreHe laughs softly
I was just a little tired is all. ... I also want some coffee.what a great way to come back, the house seems like there's a heavy aura of Sad over it. He leans down and looks in one of the windows, Spamtoon's, and politely taps his finger against the window
sits himself down (loudly) and waves
HI!leans his head down and waves
very carefully lays himself down on his front so he's a bit more level with the window and tilts his head to the side
DO YOU LIKE THE HOUSE. I BROUGHT IT HERE.tilts his head to the side, not sure why he caused laughter, but is happy that he did
YES. I STOLE. WHO WOULD STOP ME? BUT DO YOU LIKE IT?happily drums his claws against the ground
M-MAYBE. I WILL GET TO. ENJOY IT? DO YOU WANT TO HELP ME.his expression lights up, and he's overjoyed to get to finally try this. He keeps himself still, and unnervingly, his optics go very static and then black. The vent on the side of his head folds out....
a very small head pops out. He looks around, almost in awe as he steps out, then jumps up into the air, the wings and boosters on his back activating. He flies up to the window and smiles
Uh. Hi.shakes his head
No, I don't think so? ... My program is in here now, not there. points at the massive robot body
And I am not into philo-philosophical questions... leans on the windowsill and peeks in
Can I come in?flutters his wings and gets inside, then stands there, almost motionless because he doesn't know what to do, and he hasn't been in a building in years. Then he lets out a confused chirr
So-sorry. I am. I am not used. To this? he stares down at himself, flexing his hands
I am. Small.and then he just stands awkwardly because he forgets how to be small and because Spamtoon needs his rest
Walking walking... oh
Good morning Anton~He heads inside his office, taking a few things, his suit, and a little post it note, where he writes a little thing before walking back to the corridor.
He's sweating bullets
He’s known Anton too long to not notice that.
Hey, [everything okay?]He gestures to himself
Specially since last day when I was...[Amnesiac]He rests a hand on Anton’s shoulder with a smile.
Did you eat yet?He can't help but smile back
And also going to cyber city again... It's been a while2d
Aww He's emotional again!
Ahaeheaaahah...I missed you too Sera. I hope things will be somewhat normal again.He unceremoniously pulls him into a big gentle hug
He’s tearing up!
He wraps his arms around Anton, squeezing just a bit, with a big stupid smile on his face
Still holding him
If your [Uncle Sebby] wakes up [are you already gone?], I’ll be [right by his side] when he does.Is lifting him while hugging
That's good. Please get his stupid ass in my behalf. I can just sense it from this door he's blaming himself still.He pats his shoulder and finally parts the hug with a smile
He smiles
I’m gonna run down and grab a quick breakfast before he [ Get up, fool.]He waves him a little goodbye, and goes downstairs, taking his blazer with him
He starts clipping into the floor
he holds his head in his hands, a ungodly headache pounding behind his eyes
UGH.....He walks in, surveys the corridor for a bit, and checks the attic latch. It's locked. Rubbing the back of his neck, he looks around to the different doors. One of these might have someone he cares about inside.
Might as well try the one with the obvious post-it note on it.
Knock knock knock
he starts at the sound
[A]He tries the handle.
Door stuck.he slowly gets up and unlatches the door, pushing it open. He looks like shit
'SUP.gestures into his room
COME ON IN, IF YOU'D LIKEHe steps in, looking around
Yeah, I wanted to talk to you and I'm gonna make this very brief
I'm not one to beat around the bush, sosighs and grins a little at how. Formal greedton sounds. its weird but endearing
HEY MAN I CAN'T BLAME YOU FOR WHAT YOU SAID WHILE [high on love]. NO HARM, NO FOUL.claps his hand on greedton's shoulder instinctively, patting it a few times
IT WAS KINDA FUN SEEING YOU CUT LOOSE THOUGH, GOTTA ADMIT.He sketches up a smile, and for a moment his arm makes a start as if he wanted to lift it, but thought better
I'm never doing that again.He taps on the outside of the door
I think I'm not the only one who thinks you should get some fresh airhe goes over and looks at the door, gently taking the sticky note off. He reads it a few times, smiling softly
WELL. GLAD HE'S BACK TO NORMAL. WAS KIDN OF [worried sick and fraught with guilt] FOR A WHILE THERE.He shakes his head once, although it doesn't seem like it's to follow his own words. Then he pats Seb's bicep twice, as a way to leave that topic behind.
Let's get some food in you, lover boy.He shows the corridor with an open palm. After you.
does a double take, seeing the new spamton walk by
ANOTHER ONE????heads down towards the kitchen, following after greedton
WE SEEM TO BE A [hopping joint] LATELY HUHnods, humming
They make their way downstairs
He's in his room, opening his briefcase to start unpacking. Suddenly, he feels a sharp pain on his chest. He clutches it, dropping all the pipis he was holding and holding his rapidly beating heart. Why is it even beating? It is overwhelming.
As he yells to the nothing... The pain stops as suddenly as it came, leaving him a sweaty mess on the floor for a few minutes.
He's still breathing heavily, looking up. His head feels like it's full of cotton, a little out of it.
Yep. Still not over that hangover huh. I should lay off the acid from parties these days.
He resumes his activities, with a strained smile, not really sure why he's setting a bed into an office.
He hears a commotion from outside and opens the window. He sees...Some shit alright.
I'm not fucking paid enough to deal with shit like this
He closes the windows and decides to just lay on the bed. His eyes are open, but his extra lids are only half closed
Bangs on Anton’s door otw to sebs
SEBS GONE BUT [I’ll get him back]
And then. He busts into Seb’s room.
... his memories are starting to fracture.
Needs a photo, or something.
the picture is pulled down, but.
He sits on ???’s bed, studying it
He shuts the door, entering Anton’s room, and slides the photo over.
I FEEL LIKE. IM [missing something] MEMORIES OF THIS GUYHe squints, looking at the picture
HE'S A LITTLE DISEASED, ISN'T HE?He sighs, observing it more and leaning his head on sera
I guess he does. I hope he visits us someday again.He takes out his handy dandy Nokia 3210 and hands it to Sera.
Type something funny! 420-696-6969
He walks in on all fours, ignoring whatever mess is happening in the common area and walks back into his room only to see....oh sweet baby jesus.
He's pissed off but instead, he tackles him into a hug, pulling him up unceremoniously and jumping on his bed, glitter and all. Spencer gets to be covered in it too.
WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE ENDEARMENT TERMS?He laughs, pulling him into a bear crushing hug. Good lord he's muscular.
This is your punishment for my room. you hear scampering, as well as faint music going through the corridor towards the attic stairs feels so victorious. Finally. A way to tame the beast
Too bad Spencer. We're staying like this until I feel like going to my Sleepover upstairs. Just when I set up my new bed too here huh (  ̄ω ̄)He laughs, rubbing his head on a noogie. And leans closer to his ear
If you do this again I'm pulling you into a 3 hour cuddle session and if you repeat it, I know you're doing this because you like my affection. Got it?He stops and looks at him, happy and satisfied. His grip loosens a bit but he's still hugging him, Spencer could very well squirm out now
I think this is a sufficient punishment. I got the confession I wanted.
He has a smug look on his face
Well. He was going to left the other two alone. But now his room is full of glitter. Ugh. He starts stripping off whatever he has and wonders if he really has to put pajamas on???
He grumbles. Feeling a Sense of conflict. I guess he still has a set to sleep on.
FINE. Outstretched shirt and boxers it is. This is the best he can muster. He walks back outside and up to the Attic door
he very shakily walks up the stairs, as if expecting his weight is going to break them, but doesn't. He shuffles down the hall and looks at the rooms he's only seen from the outside, then hopes the best and pokes one open, and sees a familiar blanket. The one he gave Esau. He brightens up and then sneaks in, then lets out a little delighted noise when he sees the blanket is in use being snuggled. He forgets that watching people sleep is creepy, so he goes and sits on the bed to do just that
Good morning! Oh. Oh no. I am sorry. I didn't mean. I didn't mean to scare you. I wanted to check in. And saw the blanket. Which made me happy! But. tilts his head to the side, looking worried
Are you. Okay?seems to search his expression, then nods
Don't I Know It. Stuck in. In. In. My own mind. Sometimes. D-do you need. To talk about it?more suspicious squinting, but he doesn't say anything. He instead goes and assumes that since he got permission once to hug, it's good for another time. (It worked with his brothers.) He moves up and practically tackles the poor unknowing Esau
he nods, and doesn't say anything. Just uses his wings to make the hug even more huggier, and holds tight. He's quiet for a little while too, before speaking up
Shit-shitty things happen. To Spamtons. Huh. Ahehehehah.nods again
Glad I could. I could. Glad I could help. ... Don't think about the be-be-before times. Okay? points at him
Orders.stares down at his feet, then shrugs
Gotta distract ourselves th-though. if this place doesn't have TV it does now and he turns on the TV and points
Snatches his suit at the speed of light, putting it on while walking upstairs again
He's currently not visible. Spencer can only hear his voice
He walks through the wall, looking at spencer, unamused.
´He starts taking his blazer off and rolling up his sleeves, lastly taking his gloves off as well.
He takes it out of his hand.
No loud noises at this point of the day. Come on [puppet boy]he looks at the camera, and decides to unbutton his shirt by two buttons as well.
He picks up the arm, analyzing it with his own hands
Two materials in one limb? Mine aren't like that. Why do you have that as a choice?He hands spencer it back, then goes and takes his own off, popping it out of the socket. His body seems mechanic on the chest area, but arms are very light and a little fragile
He nods a bit, thinking
I guess if i had any body left... I would like to preserve as much of it as possible. I don't have any myself, sadly, but that's a fair assessment..He takes his shirt off, his torso is covered in fur.
I got this replaced recently when I got melted [I still have the pictures!] But the fur is new. I think it's a side effect.He shakes his head
I get the jitters by silky fabrics. It's great to sleep on, NOT great as tissue. Nodding, he places a hand on his chest
How much of the original you is there left?
The heart is a barely, too. Because they had to coat it in a lot of extra gold for protection. Some metals dont do well with Sulfuric acid. Nodding, he places a hand on his chest
How much of the original you is there left?
The heart is a barely, too. Because they had to coat it in a lot of extra gold for protection. Some metals dont do well with Sulfuric acid. He takes a glass and sips , this is actually pleasant.
What other wild things can you try guessing?He raises his glass, and takes his last drink
That, you're right, Spencer. That, you're right.laughing a little bit and just watching Spencer
He checks the browser window, going through a fee catalogues and waiting until he is asleep.
Once hes sure spencer is asleep he picks up a blanket and drapes it over him, sitting on the side of the bed and messing with more items for baking until he ultimately falls asleep close next to him
He tackles Spencer when they arrive upstairs and pulls him into a strong hug
WELL WHAT'S WRONG SPENCER, DIDN'T YOU CALL ME EARLIER He holds him up, lifting him off the ground and laughing.
WELL I'M NOT STOPPING SO ACCEPT IT. WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING IN MY OFFICE AGAIN?he walks in his office and sees the lack of floor
Huh.He looks at spencer
He gives him a good look, raising his eyebrow before shrugging
Oh well. I guess I have to sleep in Seb or Sera's room tonight.He tilts his head like a bird
Alright! lets go for itHe takes his word, reading it, then nodding and immediately making this face
He shakes his head puffs out his cheeks harder and sticking his tongue out more
He makes a loud ding ding sound, then getting up and giving a thumbs up
CORRECT!He squints, his loading bar popping up on his head
It immediately clicks
JELLYFISHHe lifts his arms in celebration
FUCK YES!!His face is still white in color, but the effort is impressive.
He feels concerned, yet makes a very loud ding ding with celebration noises, before his face contorts back into spamton shape
YES! A MAN! CORRECTHe shakes his head
he does a motion with the top of the finger, as if clicking
He laughs and shakes his head, entering Rosario's room and jumping on bed with him
Well you know we should do more things like this.He turns to face him, looking surprised at the voice glitch. That seems too familiar. He decides to try something.
A big one with a shiny red car in it?He's freaking sleepy and his room is ruined. It's time for his renovation plan. Last night went much better than he expected!
He gets out of rosario room, picks his little nokia and heads outside the chamber to make a few online orders on the computer he has in queen's castle. As he is gone, his room will consume everything that is non personal to restructure itself into a bigger room...
He leads Esau down the corridor to a door with a painted halo on it. It was just above head height for him before, now it's a little bit below eye level. He tries not letting that get to him. He looks out to see if Esau is still following him, and then enters his room.
Good thing he can fit a lot inside The compressed formats he got. His whole room is with him in these compact, but heavy files on his arms. It's time to make his room an actual room, with just now a good desk to do work in. He also got a doorframe to create a new bookmark for easier access to cybercity.
pretend he’s been in Anton‘s office the whole time I got busy at work
He's been bonding with Sera, which he invited a while ago to show his new room and ask for feedback. It's been nice. The king sized bed with his gifted weighted blanket and pipis all over it is set up, So is the other furniture like a TV, an office desk and chair with all his work, bookcases, a sofa and just other random little luxuries. He doesn't hear whatever's going on yet, He just asking Sera whether or not he should put the dresser here or there.
SO YEAH. IT'S BEEN A RIDE BUT I THINK THIS STRANGELY CONVENIENT BIG ROOM SHOULD BE A GREAT REPLACEMENT FOR THE MANSION ROOM. I JUST SUCK AT INTERIOR DESIGN!he's walking along towards the common room, trying to be as quiet as he can while holding the maimed body of another
He opens his door just as Seb is a little behind it and walking out, still looking at Sera, not noticing anything yet
maybe if he's still they won't see him
he starts moving again, trying to stay in front of them
NOTHING, JUST [eyyyy i'm walkin' here!!!!]He looks at Seb. Something seems of. He seems off. He squints and tries standing on the way
HI SEB. SOOO....IF YOURE JUST WALKING. HOW ABOUT YOU CHECK OUT MY NEW ROOM?he grips spencer closer to him, trying to walk faster but honestly, exhausted from that whole...... ordeal
finally at least looks over his shoulder at sera and anton
WH4TLooks at Sera with /the/ look.
steam starts escaping his mouth in the not flustered way
He decides to actually move and see what he's doing properly
COME ON WE'RE NOT GOING TO BE UPSET, WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW?Hes walking over too... cuz this is. Weird.
he's starting to panic a bit, teeth cracking
1TS F1N3 1M F1N3gets a burst of energy and dashes forward
Y0U KN0W H0W THURSD4YS 4R3He winces at the sound and sight before trying to block his way
OH NO YOU DON'THe scurries over, trying to help Anton block the way
Fucking GRIPS him
he's caged in, twirling away so he's not facing either of them
sighs and turns around, though he tries to keep his face obscured
..... CHARADES KIND OF GOT OUT OF HAND.He takes a deep breath and nods
SO uh. Did Spencer do something? I Know he can be very grating sometimesHe slowly reaches a hand towards Seb’s face. Wanting to hold it gently
lifts his arms slightly, showing off the body in his arms
WHAT DO YOU THINK.His eyes widen like saucers
He places a hand on his shoulder, desperate and checking up on Spencer while gripping it a bit
IS HE ALRIGHT ?? ??? IS HE OKAY????This ain’t fall damage
winces, feeling the usb cord get pulled
CAREFUL WE ARE [heart 2 heart] RIGHT NOW ANTONgestures with his nose towards the cable connecting him to spencer
He stares at the cords connected. He feels conflicted. He stares at Sera then at Seb
..... LET ME CARRY YOU. YOU'RE IN NO CONDITION TO BE WALKING WHEN YOU'RE WORKING AS A POWER SOURCE HEREfinally lifts his face up, revealing his uh. condition.
He looks worried sick
He sees his face and...teeth and...ohh he doesn't like that. He takes a deep breath before walking forward and preparing to carry him. His brain has fully kicked in emergency mode
His eyes land on Seb’s teeth. And stay there just a bit too long.
He steps ahead of them... eyes not really focusing on anything now as he leads the way.
sighs in resignation, and lets anton carry them
His tone is surprisingly calm, all things given, they head downstairs with Sera's guidance.
makes a sad chrring sound, letting himself be carried and closing his eye
This is Anton's room. It is a pretty large, well furnished room with luxuries. If you are going to walk in, please, knock first.
He's honestly not sure why he's up so early but one thing is clear. Its laundry day. He takes some of the stuff he wants to use this week and his suit in a basket downstairs.
Good morning, sunshine. This body's alcohol tolerance sucks ass. He blinks the sleep off his eyes, reaches for his glasses and sits up, nursing the well known pulse of a hangover. He stares down at his legs for a second, narrowing his eyes. God, they're so spindly. So uncoordinated. So awful. Makes him want to vomit. Or maybe that's his liver (or lackthereof?).
He stands up, taking it easy, and makes his way downstairs.
Well. He’s in his room.
he wanders up stairs after a bit and finds Esau's room, knocking as he goes and pushes the door open
H-Hey? You in h-here?sits himself on the bed and reaches out, poking him directly in the eye
pokes again. Then grins because he sounds hilarious when he's half asleep so he grabs his nose too
pokes his forehead gently now
Dunno. I gave myself a n-name. So that l-long.makes a >:I face
Looks at the Sera shaped hole on the floor.
He doesnt get spencer time to say anything, he jumps in
He heads upstairs, back to his room.
...But not before stopping to look at Esau's.
He jumps.
He stops short from saying I love you.
He can't help it. He's hugging him again.
He holds tight. He doesn't wanna let go.
Skitters past them towards his bedroom
DON'T MIND ME GOODBYEHe pulls apart at Skunkton's presence. He doesn't know how long he's been standing like that. He blushes.
And he's gone.
scurries out and finds human-Spencer's door and knocks
H-Hey?pauses at Reno's door and gets him to come out, then gestures at Spencer
Reno: Yeaah? kind of half paying attention because he's unwinding yarn off a needle and points
Spencer we have to go to your room. Now? That Okay?He turns the corner to his room.
He enters Seb's room and raids it, picking up one of his ironic gamer shirts, and shorts. Fuck it its late he's not dressing up at this time of the day. He also enters his own room and picks some jammies for himself and scampers back downstairs
Oh thank god he finally made it out. He now has more options... and the strings are telling him to walk into walls again. Great.
Alright. One step at a time. Slowly, yet surely, he makes his way down the stairs.
* You get the feeling you should be careful about the stairs.
Alas, the warning was too late, and he starts tumbling down. They warned you! They warned you about stairs, bro!
He stands in front of Esau's door, psyching himself up for going in. He's not very sure why he needs this much encouraging to do something so simple. He paces around a little bit, and knocks.
He finally takes a chance to breathe.
He cracks open the door to his room.
Should he invite him in?
He genuinely doesn’t know.
Why is this so hard the worst that could happen is he says no just invite him in
This is your in. This is your in. This is your-
Play it cool play it cool
He’s pacing around the second floor. He knows Esau’s downstairs, he knows he should probably talk to him about last night, it’s just…He just doesn’t have the right words is all.
He emerges from his sleeping chambers after a long, long hibernation. He's got a night robe on over his underclothes. Who knows where he got that.
MORNINGHe yelps.
He’s grasping for straws
He narrows his eyes but you can't really see it behind the glasses. He's got his hands in the robe's pockets.
IT'S NOT [Brand new]
JUST [Lil ol' me]
ORIGINAL FLAVOR SKUNK MUSKThe nervousness of his voice dropped off into genuine confusion.
He gestures to the open door to his bedroom, although it's less of a command and more of an invitation.
WANNA [Spill my guts] ABOUT IT?He gestures for him to follow him and then steps into his bedroom.
makes his way up and pauses to just stares at the window to the outside at Horse and shakes his head
Nnnnope.looks around.
GODDAMMIT THE R E SG OTTA BE A [Water Closet] AROUND HERE SOM E WH3rEfinds an open door with stalls and enters the bathroom
Well. She's upstairs.
She can't help but laugh now that she's alone.
She's teasing.
He went up to pick some stuff in his bedroom, and sees J passed out at the end of the corridor. He looks around – nobody's here but them. He approaches him gingerly.
[Bluejay]? ?J is completely out of it - acid still bubbling on his face.
He turns back, sees Grover, doesn't recognize him and then turns back just enough to register something is wrong with J. He squats closer, and *then* notices the chemical burns.
[$#!%]! !
He stands back up, moving a bit erratically, points to Grover
He scampers downstairs.
He's back. That was fast! He puts the first aid kit down and starts looking around for something to help. In the meantime, he takes a kerchief from his pocket and hands it to Grover.
HE NEEDS [Clean off]! !there was a loud peep, and down the corridor came Pipis, running towards his owner.
the chick peeped in worry, jumping up on J's chest, nudjing him with its beak.
He grabs the chicken and puts it aside. Don't want it pecking at anything now. He snags the kerchief from Grover and starts gently dabbing it over the burnt skin. That's not enough, of course – they need running water. He can't carry a big guy like that down the stairs on his own.
He gently grabs J under his armpits, hoisting him up with a strained noise.
They manage to get him downstairs, the chick trotting behind them.
J followed Skunkton to the second floor, soon touching the familiar doorknob.
Thank you. Have a good day, alright?
He smiled, and opened the door, stepping inside. Right before he closed it, Pipis squeezed in, and peeped goodbye to Skunkton.Out here now, he pats J's shoulder twice in a silent goodbye.
Stumbles around, looking for any room with an open door and barren interior. He spots one that doesnt look lived in, and lets himself inside.
AND IM S TILL HUNGO VER... He closes the door.
She's pacing the hallways, worrying about stuff.
He stumbles out of the attic, looking around. Oh hey! There's a person!
She tenses.
Keep it subtle. Don't freak her out further.
Right. Close enough.
She waves. Whatever she's nervous about is beyond his control.
He passed by the non-euclidian laundry room and is now up the stairs. He was on the way to his bedroom but seeing Spence here was just a coincidence as good as any.
HEY, THE [One] [Two] OF YOUShe's just the tiniest bit relieved.
He puts a grounding hand on her shoulder and looks at her through his glasses.
YOU'RE GONNA BE FINE!He opens his mouth to speak, but then decides that maybe that's not the best way to say, and interrupts his motion of pointing at himself halfway through. He instead puts a finger on her shoulder and tilts his head.
YOU KNOW I THINK I CAN [Help is coming] WITH THATHe nods vehemently.
He puts his hand in the internal pocket of his jacket and pauses. For dramatic effect. And then he pulls a brown paper package, handing it over to her with an outstretched arm and half of a bow, like a royal advisor presenting an important document to a queen.
The look in her eyes gives away the joy she's feeling at being gifted something.
He shrugs
WHEREVER YOU WANT!She doesn't wanna open this out in a hallway. She goes to her room.
He follows.
Well that just kinda happened! He decides to go down the stairs to the common area.
They're here now. Anton takes a deep breath as he stands in front of the door, looking at Sera
Well we have to try, at least once.He knocks a few times.
He really hopes he'll hear it. If not he'll try calling for him
standing... waiting
Under his breath, he speaks
Cmon love... open up...He starts to knock. It is very annoying tries the doorknob, he wonders if it's locked
he finally creaks open the door, a mask covering the lower half of his face
He looks at him worried. The mask makes him feel a deep pit in his stomach
Hi Seb...Can we [Get in for a moment]?he hesitates a moment before opening the door fully, motioning for them to come in
SORRY ITS NOT [luxurious hotel stay] BUT ITS GOT [bed]He places a hand out, if Seb wants it, as he walks in.
He enters the room
Jay quickly went through the hallway, briefly pausing in front of Seb's door, before heading to his own room and shutting the door behind him.
She knocks on Esau's door.
She runs downstairs.
Grover leaves his room carrying a large sack. There are clanking sounds coming from within, but it appears to be quite light.
He is no longer wearing Esau's spare shirt- instead, his plain t shirt bears a striking resemblance to the sheets found in the beds here.
He goes to the hallway closet and starts to root around, looking for something.
He had added lots of things to the bag: a Flashlight, a few empty jugs, some old bedsheets, loose paper, and a sturdy, broken metal pipe.
Grover jumps, and watches Chadton scuttle away
He is about to close the closet but he spots a single musical pipis in the corner of a shelf. He picks it up and shakes it. It rattles.
He pockets it as well.
NICE [souvenir shop].He heads downstairs.
He tosses the bag into his room with a clash, and the shake of a musical pipis insise, and slams the door shut.
He rubs his hands on his face.
IT S OKAY. IT S NOT HIM. HE DOESN T KNOW YOU.He goes back downstairs.
he's up here now, peering around and marveling at all the rooms.
it seemseth endless..... how is that possible?he follows the sound, standing in front of anton's door
he kneels down and puts his ear to the bottom of the door
okay now he has to know what the fucketh is going on
knocks on the door several times in quick succession
he has a dazed sort of happy smile on his face, letting himself be lead in
Jay walked through the corridor, just briefly jumping into his room and getting a pillow and blanket, heading over to the bathroom and walking in.
He's walking down the corridor now, prone to get bumped into by anyone who happens to be leaving a room right now.
Which just so happens to be the Human.
He wiggles his fingers at her, the corners of his mouth lifting.
HOW ARE YOU?She waves bye as she goes downstairs to throw out her trash.
He shrugs
ALRIGHT LET'S [Did you hear this?] IT!
IN THE MIDDLE OF A [Common room] CORRIDOR OF COURSE!He heads to his bedroom and turns in for the night.
His room, to be frank, looks like anyone's first DIY home renovation project. It has all the fixings though, a bed, desk, an obscene amount of dressers, big shot memorabilia, and even a few lights and what not from the mansion. Unfortunately he has not gotten the wires hooked up in his room, with the only lighting being from a window that squarely illuminates his most prized possession: his phone. Believing to be a job somewhat well done, he makes his way downstairs.
Spamtom wakes up, surveys the room that is most assuredly not his, and goes back to sleep. He'll deal with consequences later.
He goes down the corridor to the attic.
He walks out of his room, not a care in the world, probably to go down to get a bite to eat. Then he sees the massive Spades King blocking the path.
He gets startled by the grab, wriggling his legs off the ground
HOW SHOULD I [Knowledge is power]? ?
AND I DON'T [Own] YOU ANYTHING!he arrives upstairs, excitedly hoping to examine his “friendship scar” in the mirror (there is none) when he sees the two of them
…hey…what’s goin on here?he steps up closer, completely calm, getting a better look at the huge, blue, toothy guy in front of him holding his friend up by the collar
Huh, y’know you remind me of someone, but I can’t quite place who… he leans up against the wall, casually scratching his chin.
he’d rubbing his temples, really using that one brain cell of his
He shoots a side glance to Saul
[[Don't think too hard, sweetie, you're gonna hurt yourself]]
THAT'S [Motherboard]'S EX-HUSBAND
THEY'RE EPICALLY [The D stands for Divorce]
BUT HE GOT SOME [Outfit] SENSE AND PUT ON SOME [Fancy Shmancy] DUDS!he laughs heartily
his eyebrows raise
Ooh, pointy, cool!but then he leans back onto the wall with his arms behind his head
But yeah, she seemed pretty happy to have dumped that guy. Y’know, she was even sweet on yours truly for a lil while.He paws at King's arms, defenseless, his voice a bit strangled.
Y'KNOW MY [Separate versions] OF HER WAS SEEING ME
SAID I WAS [[So Much Better Than That Big Oaf]]
GOOD OL' SPAMTON CHARM! !he grins and winks
Oh I know what ya mean. Q and me were never that serious but if it was me or Kingsley she woulda picked me in a heartbeat.he actually catches Skunkton fairly well, but he gets knocked over and falls on his butt.
And he's out. His threshold is getting further and further but it's still there. carefully puts Skunkton back on his feet and dusts off his clothes for him.
Well, anyway. You two have fun aight? I’ve got some guitar practice to get on. See ya! he gives a little salute and a haughty smirk at King before grabbing his guitar from the hall and strutting off
He falls like a ragdoll once Saul lets him go.
he hears the shout, looked around and saw Skunkton on the floor, runs and picks him up and places him in the nearest room, (Rosario’s) before looking up and grinning at King
You’ll have to catch me first! he sprints off down the hall and out of sight, surprisingly fast for his age
the sound of his cackling fades away into the distance…
hes barreling down the hallway, searching desperately for a specific room. He finally finds the door to the Denny's parking lot and rattles the doorknob. It doesn't budge
he notices the note and hisses. He recognizes the handwriting. With a howl he tears the door open, nearly tearing it off the hinges. He enters and slams the door shut behind him.
He stumbles down to the second floor, heading to Seb's room, barging in there
He was about to go down the stairs for a snack, but stops himself when he hears the voices talking, recognizing King's boisterous tone. Nope, it's a dinnerless night for you, old skunk. He turns back and starts heading off to his bedroom instead.
he is walking down the corridor, oblivious to the world
He says this as he passes Rouxls, elbowing him just above the hip
YOUR [Highness] IS DOWNSTAIRShe freezes
whateth did thou say???He slaps Rouxls' sorry excuse of an ass, as someone who sends a horse down the road, and goes on his merry way
he yelps, stumbling forward.... and down the stairs
NO NO NO NO NO N ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ONOETH NOETH NOETHhe walks down the hall and to Rosario’s room
Now on the second floor he looks over the instructions and quietly heads to the door that appears to be Anton's room. Uncomfortable with barging in this time he gives a polite knock
Grover leaves his room, a little distracted. But he sees this addison pass and watches curiously.
He hears commotion downstairs...
he nods politely holds up the photo but then shakes his head. This Spamton is not who he's looking for. After hearing confirmation from the voice inside the room he walks inside, giving a quick departure bow
Grover heads downstairs.
a half-awake man is trudging towards anton's room. what the fuck is he doing.
He hears chaos coming from Frozen's room. He refuses to do anything about it
He's sitting on the hallway, distracted
Hes pointing at Spencer
He turns happily
OH HI SER------He dodges it swiftly, looking at Spencer
WHAT DID THEY DO TO MY BOY He pulls Spencer’s bald ass into a headlock hug
He's pointing at him again
He holds Spencer tighter, squeezing, then let’s him go
You should get [Sera hair] next thenHe dramatically clings to Sera
He holds his nephew and whispers
[His wig doesn’t slay...]He giggles, whispering back
It's literally so not [Yass]He pulls Anton into a much nicer hug
Missed you! Nice [tails]He hugs Sera back and chirping
I missed you too!Clips through his wall
Hes hanging out waiting so patiently
He stops and looks at the phone, he has no idea where Spencer's room was actually and he didn't want to knock on stranger's doors for it. After some consideration he walks to the room he does know of and knocks politely on anton's door
Just. Walking. Through.
the three of them stumble through the threshold of the bathroom
She's standing in front of Skunkton's door. She's knocking. No response.
No matter. She'll just wait until he's up.
He's coming from the attic, and stands next to Spence, as if watching her watching his door. He stays there for a while before speaking up.
LOSE SOMETHING?She doesn't have the energy to jump at his appearance.
His tone isn't aggressive or annoyed, even if the words are a bit rude. He's asking politely enough, hands on his waist. He looks a bit dishevelled, though. Like he's been in a bit of a rumble tumble.
She looks the same. There's a couple of bruises on her joints, but most of the wear shows on her face. She's exhausted.
He leans past her and twists the doorknob to his room and pushes it open, then showing it with a palm, as if to say "after you".
She nods and smiles.
Runs back upstairs
He cries harder.
BUT SERIOUSLY. WE HANDLED HIM. IT SUCKED, BUT WE DID IT. YOU R E [Power]FUL, AND YOU DEFENDED US TODAY. WE TRUST YOU, WE FOUGHT TOGETHER, AND WE NEED YOU.he slowly walks through the hallway with J in his arms. He looks over at Esau
Kid’s ok now! Don’t you worry ‘bout him or me aight? Miss took care of us both.He looked over at them, giving a small wave.
Hey guys... Sorry I almost died on you.Grover's face blanches. Or, it would, if he didn't look like a mime already.
...HI J. JUST GLAD YOU R E OK.With a nod and a knowing smile, he walks through the door to J’s room.
J looked a bit worried.
well not anymore, lol
he chuckles softly, scratching his chin
Y-yeah, I guess ya could say that…monster attacks don’t happen every day here, usually just once a week! Ehaha…he sighs softly, putting his hands in his pockets
That’s just how it goes, for us Spamtons, ya know? Always on the run from some dangerous folks.He blushes, heart fluttering. She was worried? About *him*? Nobody’s really done that in a long long time. He coughs.
Oh i-it’s usually nothin’ we can’t handle! W-we’re a formidable bunch, ya know, and we always make a comeback!his voice gets quiet
and we protect each other. It’s what we do. ”what *I* should have done”
he looks up at her
Y-yeah! Ehaha, sure is! Wish I coulda been your knight in shining armor, not the other way around, Starlight.Grover slips away into his bedroom. He's sure he should be more social, check up on things downstairs... He's too tired.
he leans into her touch just a little too much, unintentionally giving her puppy-dog eyes
Oh yeah? What a family! Must’ve been fun when ya went on your first date. Ehahaha.he fidgets with his sleeves a little
he smiled warmly, shakily taking her hand and kissing the back of it
Light up the stage, alright, Starlight?~Hus chest puffs up, clearly proud of himself for making a pretty lady blush. “Maybe I’ve still got it after all” He winks.
I promise, Miss. just you keep on shinin’ an I’ll be there to watch ya glow sometime. Heck maybe we could even duet sometime, ehaha…he shyly waves goodbye as he watches her go
…holy cungadero…he then shakes himself out of it and walks back to J’s door. He sits himself down on the floor beside it, ready to sit there all night. He’s tired but…he knows he won’t be able to sleep. Not tonight. Not when J needs him.
he flinches for a moment, ready to spring into action to protect J’s door when he looks over and sees Santi, his jaw drops. But then he grins, cheeks turning a light tinge of pink
Heya, Santi, long time no see…”…much”
he rubs his bruised jaw
Yeah, I’m doin’ aight! Ya think I look rough ya better see the other guy, Ehah.J had woken up with a gasp, clutching his chest which seemed to be burning. He couldn't muster a single sound, so he stumbled to the door, walking outside.
-S-s-s-saul-He nods, brow furrowing as he considers how to explain all the crazy events that happened tonight.
Well, let’s say it was a less than happy family reunion for Esau. One of his brothers swung on by hopin’ to make this place the Vegas of the Void, if ya know what I mean. An he. Well.
he clears his throat, looking away for a moment
…well he was a pretty convincin’ kinda guy. I got sucked into it, even. But don’t worry once we all came together we showed him what happens when ya mess with a bunch of number one rated salesmen.
he gives a toothy grin
Sent him packin’…hopefully he doesn’t show his slimey lemon face here again.he turns to see J coming out the door
Hey hey, you outta be lying down, kiddo. Ya need somethin’?He leaned on the doorframe, clutching his chest.
Can't b-breathe-he can’t help but notice the way Santi’s ears move. “…Cute”
he looks back at J his eyes filled with worry.
J here broke a couple of ribs in the scuffle…a…friend of mine came and helped out, used some kinda healing magic but…he’s still on the mend.he carefully props J up, supporting him.
He quickly went it for a hug, sobbing, breaths raspy and short.
he rubs his back gently
‘s ok kiddo. You’re safe now…He has calmed down after a while, just holding onto Saul, whispering.
I'm- I'm glad you're okay...his brow is creased
I’m ah, not sure. I told him to keep takin’ deep breaths to try an make sure he doesn’t get an infection but…breathin’ is hard for him right now.he smiles gently
I’m right as rain, kiddo. Ya outta rest though! Gotta keep build up your strength!He nods quietly.
It's uh... Nightmares. I couldn't help in time. Couldn't save anyone. I'm just...he hums
Well, in that case, maybe we outta sit with ya in your room. Might be for the best.he glances over at Santi
Plenty of comfy cushions in there, if ya wanna come in!He grins at Santi
Well, shall we?the three of them head into #J's nest
He sighed, following them both.
I'm... Thank you.he turns to J
An’ a couldn’t have said it better myself, kid. You ain’t a burden at all. Don’t ya ever worry ‘bout that.he's slowly walking down the hallway towards the stairs, observing everything. He technically already knows everything about the house, but its different seeing it with your own eye
he stiffens a bit and slowly turns toward the new voice.
WRONG!he slowly walks towards esau, smiling now, unintentionally threat displaying as he does so
YOU CAN [call me by your name] CASSIUS. WHAT IS YOUR [moniker] AGAIN ?he stops and tilts his head a bit, looks at esau but also looking beyond him. after a moment its like a lightbulb goes off
RIGHT RIGHT THE ONE WITH [inferiority complex?] ! I AM SUPPOSED TO [youtuber apology vido] TO YOU FOR [reading the forbidden texts] AND [fear factoring] YOUhe coughs a bit and fluffs up his feathery bits before turning on crying_cat_eyes.mod
his eye flickers back to normal
HOW WAS THAThe turns and starts walking towards the stairs again
I AM GOING TO MAKE [mug & sludge] IN THE KITCHEN NOWhe gets to the stairs and then clips through the floor
he quietly heads downstairs. His brow furrowed.
from inside
YES IT ISand up the attic stairs they go
he starts walking down the hall, wondering who he should ask, when he sees a tidy white envelope on the floor in front of Esau’s room…he reads the back, his brow furrows, and he opens it…
as he reads further and further in, he can’t help but feel his heart sink a little…he was still figuring out how this weird house worked and all. He sighs. But! At least he got to see her again! He wasn’t sure he would after that chance meeting at the kissing booth. Even spending just a few precious moments with her…made his soul feel a little bit lighter. Maybe a little less broken. And he could see her again! Maybe…one day he could find a place for her to come home to. He smiles softly, putting the letter carefully in his pocket, before heading downstairs.
He stumbles out of his room and into the bathroom.
He heads downstairs.
He darts into his room and retrieves a sketchbook and some pencils.
makes his way through
She doesn't go to her room. She goes to Esau's.
That's the one with the portal.
He's up the stairs, but there's nobody in the corridor. He takes a big breath. It's faint, and mixed in with the smell of Ozone, electricity, and all the other interesting smells of the house, but he knows exactly what he's looking for. He locks in on it.
He walks in Esau's bedroom.
You can hear from his room loud music and singing heads down the hall to Esau’s room, his brass knuckles already on his hands again
He's just going to try and peek inside the window where the music is coming from before abruptly jerking back.
HEY!!! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT-?!?! More mumbling from within his chest is heard. Something about being Nosy.
CAN IT. Against the voices wishes, Neo taps a finger on the window to get the singer's attention.
He hears a tap, and looks confused, He was in the middle of his destressing session, only wearing some gym clothes. Lowering down the volume of his music, he walks up to open the window, only to see another spamton staring at him
.....Seeing the window open, he gears up to spit out some questions, but seeing WHO opened it?
The Muffled voice calls out 'Spam?'
.... 「あ」Popping out his chest, they look at their own Spam.
WHAT?! WHATS WRONG?! Oh. Oh they see now.
He waves a little bit
NEW VISITOR I'M GUESSING?He grabs them quickly, stuffing them back in his chest.
NEW VISITOR?! WHAT?! YOU- ME- He's so confused
....YES...???He realizes not everyone's used to this, a exclamation mark popping above his head
Ah this HAS to be confusing. Have you ever met another version of Spamton before, or is this your first time? So I know where to catch you up with!They peek out from his chest
...Can't say we ever have... N-no...He pauses to think about the information he's just been given.
...Y-YEAH YOU COULD... Say that. He peers down at the heart.
They look confused but also... elated? Hard to tell.
He laughs heartily
Nice to meet you....Heart? What is your name?They stare at Anton
Past? Oooh I see it now! They beam, while Neo looks on at his past, literally.
Oh, You can just call me S- They hesitate.
He pauses again.
1999? AND A [BIG SHOT]?! YOU [Lucky] [Son of a gun!] Not of his own volition, but Souls, he reaches out to shake Anton's hand.
He tilts his head curiously, but extending his hand for a shake
Ah thank you! I am trying! I currently am learning how to survive in the streets just in case...He looks quite disgruntled. Jealous even.
That feels weird to say
But you're all different at the end of the day... Well I'm excited to see- Oop, Neo's walking away
HEY WAIT! He halts forcibly, The Soul walking him back towards Anton.
The hell? You ok?He's pouting
...He gives him an empathetic smile
A good chunk...Yeah. But this isn't everyone's story. I've seen some who are happy in different lives...Some who were too successful, some whose stories are completely different so I believe this isn't the only path for us, you know?He gets quiet.
He stops, looking at the pixel patches on Anton, taking in what they both said.
...We can stay for a little... I WANT TO SEE THE OTHER [Me, Myself, and I] THEN!! Soul beams again
He looks around, a bit awkward
Well do you want to watch TV with me? I'm not doing much and I have food on my mini fridge He gestures inside the room, it is a pretty big place with all kinds of little luxuries
He peers inside, intrigued.
... SURE. I COULD [Killing] TIME.He's backin' up~
He wants to test this out...if his tail works like an arrow... He raises his tail to the corner of the window, pressing and holding on it, and sliding it down diagonally. The actual window to the room starts expanding, into a doorway sized window that he can get inside from now. He beams, very pleased with this outcome
Come in! What kind of TV do you like to watch?Walks up to his room, waits for Picotee.
He opened the door to his room for him.
Come inside.He hears noises coming from the bathroom. All he can do is stare at the bathroom door with a look of abject horror on his face.
Quietly, he's sneaking downstairs, certain most of the others are asleep now... Ready to take his leave...
he quietly walks down the hall and then downstairs
Heading out from picking some food he walks back to his room, yawning, on the entrance to his door
Actually... no. He's been hit with a pang of loneliness. He walks up to the attic carrying a plate of sandwiches and juice
to the bathroom
he leads her to Esau's room
oops silly billy wrong way, he goes to Spamtoon's room
he can't help that his eyes look a little sad as they approach the door, but he keeps smiling anyway.
Th-thanks again for everything you've done for us...we woulda been in real hot water without you..I woulda been. he turns red, gives her hand a squeeze and takes a deep breath before quickly leaning close to her and stealing a little kiss on the cheek.
He can't look her in the eye, he's shaking from nerves...he can't help but wonder if he should apologize. He's completely tongue-tied.
W-w-w-well...u-u-u-um...uh...he blinks, gazing at her wide eyed, then slowly a dopey smile spreads across his face. He sighs dreamily
And you're the brightest star in my sky, Miss Midnight~he waves back, resting his hand against his cheek where she kissed him. He does a silly little happy dance of sorts before collecting himself again and heading back into the hallway
...he comes back and does one more fist pump. Ok. *Now* he's done
he places Spamtoon carefully in his bed and tucks him in
Don't hate me when ya wake up, please...he heads to the bathroom
He steps forward
He's really close now
He opens his maw and this plays out. tries to run past.
He grabs Frozen by the waist as he runs past, and notices how light he is. He lifts him over his head.
He tosses him down the hall, towards the stairs, like a football.
He shouts down the stairs
CAN A [Senior citizen] DO THIS, FROZEN? ?
SUCK MY [&#$@] AND [Choking hazard] I HOPE YOU [Explode]He turns and goes to his bedroom, closing the door quite forcefully.
Not so long after J finally got out of his room, yawning. He was still half asleep, from being almost passed out for so long, so he was in a desperate need of coffee. He headed downstairs.
J walked up to his door, leading Picotee there.
Why? Is it like a pocket portal?He opened the door for him, smiling.
From his room, you can hear soft music playing. Its not that loud
h gets out of his room, dressed up and walking to the attic
he runs off into the bathroom with some things in his arms
he heads up towards the attic, holding his inflatable shark above his head
Beach day! Beach day! Beach day!He enters his room and uses the doorway to his cybercity. It feels like minutes, but he spent half an hour getting some basic clothes: swimming trunks fit to his size, a hawaiian shirt that screams transmasc swag, and pool floaties. He heads upstairs.
He leaves his room and stretches a bunch. He is groggy, almost as if he slept for two days straight and missed literally everything that's happened since monday.
He looks over towards Esau's door and smiles.
HE>Y!He looks concerned.
He hugs him.
I AM SO SORRY. I M SURE SHE LL COME BACK.He plods downstairs
hes running through here to the common room, screaming
he’s back in the hallway
Oh heya kiddo! Where ya goin’?he saw from how he moved he was probably only half awake so he called out
Sleep well kid!he turns to Spamtoon and sees the envelope
…for me?just the scent of the perfume makes his face heat up
O-oh. Thanks buddy!he looks up at him with wide eyes and holds the envelope a little tighter…once he’s gone he gently opens the letter…
he’s grinning, and not just because the scent of her perfume always leaves him light headed in the best way. He really needed to figure out a way to get himself all dolled up for when he finally visits her. It was also clear she new her friend all too well, he chuckles. He then looks curiously at the photograph and turns it over to get a better look…
he immediately claps a hand over his mouth and looks around, hoping nobody heard. *Especially* not Skunkton.
he spends a good long while staring at the photo, he turns dark red, looks around, and gives it a little kiss for good luck. He chuckles, heading to the bathroom to change back into his normal attire as well as a shirt from the attic he knew Sera wouldn’t miss…oddly it looked exactly like his old one, down to the little tear in the collar. It also…had just a bit of a grandpa smell.
he puts the photo in his breast pocket and is *very* happy with how he can still smell the perfume off of it. He does a silly little spin, then heads down the stairs
He cutely walks out of his bedroom and down the stairs for breakfast~
to Spamtoons room
he looks around, things seem...pretty normal...did their plan work? He rushes down the stairs
He's dragging Spencer like a cat from out his room.
In his room it goes.
He is laughing the entire time
Trashton is back! Hooray!
He's a little flustered, but eventually walks off himself.
he goes into Spamtoon’s room
back down the stairs
His steps are soft when he walks here even, calm, and quiet. He lingers for a second to stare at Anton's room then shakes his head and moves on.
grooves on over to Spamtoon's room
And down to his bedroom he goes.
he heads down the stairs
He doesn't wait he's going back to his room now, Anton's voice only makes him take larger strides
He opens the door it hides his face as he walks in and closes it and locks the door
He sighs, and decides to walk down to the common area
Going to his room
He waves a hand once, without turning back. It stands for "don't bother".
Forces himself in anyways and sets a glass of water down, leaves.
He's trying to listen in through the door of rosario's, but his processing isn't good and he only makes bits of the conversation
He is out here he is staring at Anton and then slowly very slowly making his way over to Frozen's room.
He is now out of the room, he has done his deed and proceeds to the first floor then outside
Ok he's done. He heads in to his room to start paperwork
He gets out of the room, running on all fours upstairs
he's down here now, finding a dark hallway to hide in. Now, he waits.
theres something dark brewing in a nearby hallway
he does a little twirl and sticks his tongue out at the real esau before running off down the hallway
does his best imitation of saffron's regal laugh
She's at the top of the stairs. She sees the two Esaus.
he uses some of his new-found free running tricks to do a wall spin, landing behind esau and running the other way
She sighs.
A small click sounds in her chest. Her arm shifts into a blaster. She aims it in between the two.
he's laughing to much to even try that hard
STARLIGHT DONT YOU [facial recognition] MEGood news - it wasn't Saffron. Saffron didn't voice glitch, as far as she knew.
Bad news - he still stole Esau's face. She aims a warning shot and fires.
he does a sick fucking backflip and dodges the shot, proceeding to use esther as a balance to jump over her and down the stairs
You have to get some target practice in~he laughs heartily and dashes down the steps
She chases after 'Esau'.
he's walking upstairs...its the first time he's been up here and *wanted* a room...he feels something...almost calling to him from the end of the hall...
he steps down the hall towards the direction of the feeling...there's a door at the end of the hall painted in a dark, eggplant purple. It's a little scuffed up but...kind of pretty?
I think...this one? I-It's not taken right?he reaches out...putting his hand on the doorknob. It feels right, somehow. He opens the door slowly, and warm air wafts through...he slowly steps through
He thinks for a bit and looks over at Anton's door and walks over to stand before it a hand lifted to knock then puts it down.
... I'm [s] ....
He opens his mouth, he has so much to say and then closes his eyes and shakes his head. He's not ready.
Stay [Fly away] from me. If you [no] what's good for you.Staying a little longer in front of Anton's door he scoffs and walks back to his own door then stops with a very soft voice.
[Butt] I'm [s]...[s]
Frustrated he opens the door to his room and enters it, whatever apology that remained on his lips died
She gets out of the room after the call. She's ready as she'll ever be.
he goes down the hall and is about to head to his room when he sees Spamtoon's door again...he gets a mischievous little smile and sneaks in a way he thinks is super stealthy but it's more akin to a Tom and Jerry episode
he drifts over to his bedroom
he practically skips along the hallway, it doesn't help his headache but he doesn't really care
Despite the nature of the offscreen, he's been quite active. Doing his morning work outs, eating a good breakfast, giving people good morning through text and in person and heading out to work in cybercity. It seems like he's finally resolved what direction he wants to take regarding his business.
His room has also been quite busy, as he practices his building skills through minitons Practicing mechanic concepts in miniature cars as a hobby. A good amount of his personal collection has been assembled
he’s just about to head right into Spamtoons room when he skids to a stop in front of the bathroom…
now to Spamtoon’s door!
he steps through, completely lost in thought as he stares down at Midnight's mug, whatever chaos could be happening here right now he just does not have the extra brain cells to pay attention. He heads to the kitchen
She leads him to Esau's room.
And she's in her bedroom.
He screams quietly and hugs Marigold tightly.
He holds on for dear life as Marigold runs.
he heads to Esau’s room
he goes to his room
down the stairs
he heads to Esau's room
She’s outside now.
he skips down the hallway and down the stairs
he carefully opens Spamtoon’s door
he heads back to his room
Frozen rests his bloody saw in his shoulders.
HOW'S IT GOING??This is him the next day exiting the room after his drinking buddy time with Rosario and waking up ready to roast the shit out of a particular Didney Tribute Spamton
He hasn't quite noticed Anton or Frozen yet he seems to be internally debating with himself over something. Whether he should finish his modifications of the kitchen or not before his verbal fight with Frozen
Noticing the two in the hallway he smirks and gives a lazy halfwave after being addressed
Oh [Olaf], [Big Shit] sup.
[[Olaf]] barely noticed you [there there] you have less presence than [[clear view]] tape. I'm ready [whenever whereever] you are.He looks at spencer with a smile
Don't get your ass kicked too hard okay?He smirks and crosses his arms, waiting for Frozen to get started, he's already had a few preliminary digs at him
He decides to walk downstairs, waving them goodbye
Smirking back he scoffs
[Simon Says] the guy who [He points at him with the saw.
WOW. IS YOUR @$$ JEALOUS OF THE [$!$!] THAT JUST CAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH???Pointing back with his middle finger
[Puhlease] have some [Cultural festival] OH [Rite Aid] The only culture you [havana] is bacteriaHe quirks an eyebrow and cuts him off to finish it
[Lite Bright], but not a lot [[OFF]] use.He opens his door and leans on the frame, sipping a capri sun and watching them.
He mimics.
WELL SORRY I CAn"T THINK OF AN INSULT DUMB ENOUGH FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND He's now rerecording and playing it back for him before examining his nails
Took the words [Rite Aid] out of my mouth. [Graos] stop [copy cat] meNarrowing his eyes at him
Keep that [UP the movie] and it's going to be [fisticuffs] instead of [wordle daily word game]He twirls and strikes a cute pose.
"Keep that [UP the movie] and it's going to be [fisticuffs] instead of [wordle daily word game]~"He slowly takes off one of his boots and straight up runs at Frozen with it
Frozen turns around goes to wack him with the dull side of the saw.
GETTING [angy]???He gets smacked with the dull end of the saw but also smacks Frozen with the boot
Frozen jumps onto him like an animal and tries to scratch at him, but has a hard time keeping a grip.
Letting go of the boot he also starts slapping back, it looks a bit like those shitty fights where guys are just slapping each other's hands
Frozen's grip slips and he is back on the ground. He goes in for another tackle, and they go tumbling through an ajar door.
He gets that out as they tumble through a door and it appears they are falling down down down. The door is left open
He approaches the door.
He gets hit with a gust of cold wind.
He closes the door.
He's landed on his ass and gets up
Sure [Justin bieber] send me the blueprints so I can get it [dun dun dun]He goes to his room now to wardrobe change and will resume repurposing the kitchen after
He's following
He goes to work on redoing his room.
He is out of stuff again. Will have to add stuff to the ikea trip later.
He gets to their shared room, while he's dropping him off he gives Rosario a very small cheek rub then properly tucks him back in before exiting
He's gripped with the urge to suddenly run into another dimension this very second. Was Weed REALLY worth emotional confrontation and inconvenient truths?
He walks back downstairs
He's carrying Anton and is a little more relaxed here now that there are less people, heading for his room, realizing it's been a while since he's been to his room
He's outside of the room now he's breathing in deeply in and out before gathering himself. It wasn't too late to run, that's already 3 people he's opened up to recently, 3 people he said he wouldn't but ended up doing so.
He looks at the door to the denny's parking lot, curses softly and quickly goes to his room only to come back out with ...a questionable amount of jackets filled with drugs
This [betta fish] not be another [miss steak]
and opens the door
goin down the stairs~
He lugs his trumpet case through and looks around...damn, this apartment sure is bigger than he remembers. But he doesn't question it. He shrugs and heads across the hallway and down the stairs
he walks across the hall, back to Saul's room
he heads back into his room
Wakes up to place this doormat in front of Frozen's door and crosses his arms, he's so proud of himself. He goes back to sleep
Notices this and pushes it back in front his own places door.
He'll notice it in the morning and make it worse he promises
he heads to J’s door, knocks and waits for a moment…no answer. He figures he won’t mind if he comes in but still, he opens the door gently as he steps in…
he walks back to his room, quickly and carefully gets his suit, then goes into the bathroom
he heads down the hall and downstairs
he goes into his room…he looks a little nervous
He goes to Spamtoon’s room.
Peers out to see Frozen
Tf happened [2] sleeping in [ur] roomHe looks at him then his room
We have a [pipis] pile, but you [mayflowers] get your [Facebook] drawn on, since I can't [makerbot 2000] a mess or [Rosario] will kill meHe's laughing and closing the door not answering his qna
this is what frozen gets for being a bitch yet bitchless at the same time
puts gods favorite child back down in to the pipis on the first floor
peeks in, takes a fat rip and blows the smoke in frozens face
He's been gripped
Casually snuggles frozen into Spencer and rosario's room
frozen smoked the bad weed this iswhy this is happening
casually reaches to hold rosario's hand
shoos everyone out of here as frozen comes down from the lint
In rosario spencer room.
lays on my side
your call handsomechuckles
Hes getting murdered tonightHe gets into his room and puts on some swimming trunks, grabs his towel, and walks back out
Grabs the stuff from his room.
He steps out, looking extremely happy with himself, lipstick marks covering his face.
Staring here and immediately locates Sebastian's room
We are [fuq]ing up HAHA [Olestra chips]'s room and then HAHA We'll [plothole] [Bruce Campbell]'s downfallPulls out the blunt weapon again. He's had that on him.
He heads for sebastian's room
He enters the room.
Drags Frozen to his room
he yawns, heading down the hall
He walks upstairs instead, heading to his room
and back to his room
lol go back downstairs you are missed
He follows Sera out because he doesn't live here and he has no reason to peep any bedrooms
Frozen got thrown up here god bless.
He pulls himself up.
OW He rubs his shoulder, it really took the brunt of it. Actually, now that he's up here, maybe he should work on his room. For some reason though, he feels like he is being watched.
He's not even hiding himself he's literally just staring out his bedroom with his nose peeking out
That is the funniest sight to imagine. There is a nose.
He walks past to his door.
He pauses, like he's thinking about it
WHY WOULD YOU [Lift it up] IF YOU'RE NOT SURE YOU [[Want it? You can have it, friend, as l-]]? ?
[I'm quirky like that] :^]He starts closing his door back
Well that was a weird encounter.
Frozen goes into his own room and gets to work on those walls and all that other jazz.
He is moving so fast
Getting his daily enrichment by running on the halls
oooooh you want to go outside so bad anton ooooooooh
real real real real go outside
He opens the window and jumps out of it
Frozen work on his room momence.
The room is fucking done!!
He's laying on the ground, two rings on his fingers. One thorny, the other not. The grip on his bat is tight even as he's out cold, and you could swear you almost saw frost on the bat for a moment.
Eyes fall upon Trashton. There is a slight smile. Familiarity. He is starting to figure out just what this all is. He moves onwards.
he makes his way down here with a bit of a skip in his step, humming to himself
This is DEFINITELY not my place, but I've woken up in weirder places that's for sure.He grunts as he starts to wake up, the frost on his bat intensifying as he slams it into the ground to prop himself up as some sort of cane before slinging it over his shoulder as he looks around. Joseph is tall, taller than he was before, and he gives an annoyed noise as he slips off the two rings, putting them in his jacket pocket.
The ice stays on the ground where he slammed it, a reminder of just who was here now.
A kidnapping, is that it? Truly my haters have reached a new low. I think I'll just have to remind them who owns this City. Then, I'll make them work for me.
Joseph makes his way to the common area, quietly whistling a tune.
he saw that whole thing happen, eyebrow raised. Maybe he's still feeling the effects of whatever he took last night.
Woken up in weirder places but uh. Well. There's all sorts I guess!He has seen everything he needed to see. His room, his collection, and can take a guess at what this all is, properly. How embarrassing. He takes a moment to collect some things, and heads downstairs.
As he exits the room he clears his throat and straightens his suit. Just in case the camera crew comes out to say HAHA PRANKED! But after a moment, there's no one. Where was this place?
He starts to walk downstairs
He looks pale as he heads down the hall, desperately looking for somewhere to answer his phone in private. He heads into the bathroom.
It rips open a circuit box and starts pulling at the wires like an animal disemboweling its prey. It then starts to gnaw at the exposed wiring, sparks flying in its face. It remains impassive as the lights flicker again.
It licks its lips as it stands over the mass of wiring, the electrical burns in its skin healing in a matter of seconds.
It tilts is head. Listening. A smile spreads across its face. Too much teeth.
s̶̅̑o̷͒̆ ̸͌̈́t̴̓̄h̴̜̎i̵̎̽s̸̾̐ ̴͑͂i̴̙̍s̴̐̓ ̷̆̉w̴̑̽ḧ̷̐ẻ̶̀r̴̚͝e̵̾̀ ̸͌͐y̸͆̂o̶͐̈ū̶͠'̵͋͘v̷̛͌e̸͌͊ ̵͐͘b̷̽͌e̷͎͌e̶͑͝n̴̺͐ ̵̔͊h̸̼͋i̵̊̉d̵̆̓i̵̅͝n̴̛̆g̵̝̎ ̷̀͝f̸̀̈r̶̽̓o̴͆̒m̵̄͑ ̶̏͌m̴̏̾ë̸́̓It drifts back into the bathroom
He walks down the hall...feeling a strange calling to him...he goes into his room.
He looks around for a place before ending up in front of his room. This place doesn't seem to be occupied, so he'll use it for what he needs to do.
Opens the door to J's room. It's colorful in there.
Uh, Here...J hissed, looking around the room. Too many colours. Too messy.
So where is that portal?Grover can't find it either.
J was about to get angry, but was stopped by a phone call, blood freezing in his veins. He immediately picked it up.
Jay, Jay, Jay... How long do you think it's been?
W-what do you mean, sir? Ten minutes! Trust me, I'm on my way!!
Quit it! I've been waiting here for you for three hours! THREE!! You know what? I'm done with your bullshit. Good luck finding yourself anyone who'll ever love you, little bitch. You're off the programme.
Sir! Please, no, no no no, I can get back! I'll- I'll give you anything! All my money! W-whatever you want! Please don't leave me! Ple-
A loud beeping can be heard.
He's too late.
Pats J on the back
You don't need him. He sounds like a dick.J turned around, frantic.
You don't- you don't understand, this is, this is Mike, he's - he's the only one who can- who can-His blood runs cold.
Ah. Mike. Shit. Say no more. I, Um.
He sighs.
Believe it or not, Mike is a manipulative little bitch who will use you up and throw you to the crows when you can't be of service to him anymore.
At least. In my experience.
You can do better, I swear.He sways a bit.
...Maybe I had too much...J gets himself a cigarette with shaky hands, lighting it and inhaling a huge puff of smoke.
But I owe him. He made me who I am. I should be grateful. I should repay him.He pats his back.
Y'know what cheers me up? Ice cream. He starts to lead J back downstairs.
J had no choice but to follow him.
He finds the room where he and Rosario woke up in and walks in
He opens a random door. It turns out to be toony's room.
He shrugs and knocks on the door.
Anyone home?He goes downstairs.
he walks along the hallway, taking in just how many rooms there are. he whistles
Damn... How many other Spamtons are there here?he makes his way downstairs.
He stops to look around. Where was that room again?
He's not interested in her. His little gay heart isn't fluttering for her.
J looked over at the newcomer, raising a brow. He didn't look familiar.
Hey to you too.J looked a bit confused, staring into his eyes.
Do I know you?J slicked back his hair.
Why would something be wrong with my fa- oh. What?Every time J looked at Picotee he felt his head throb.
he then looks over and sees Midnight and his jaw just drops
He chuckles, seeing Saul's reaction.
Speak of the devil. Fuck you, deeply, but get your jaw off the floor have some respect to the lady god damn. Rabid dog.
Yeah, purple fur coat. Also a bitch.He was almost entranced by the white eyes, shaking himself out of it however.
J raises a brow, breathing out.
Yeah, what about it? Never seen a person smoke?he finally picks his jaw up off the floor then combs his hair with a smirk, he struts over to Midnight
Hey toots, got to say you look even better in person than your cute little present you left for me~ he looks her up and down very obviously
J scoffed at Saul, before turning his full attention to Picotee.
Well, I'm Jay, at your service~ What would a cutie like you need from me?He hummed in thought.
For what exactly?he grins
Aw, you trying to be coy with me? It’s ok miss I know you’re a fan. Why else would I have your photo in my pocket? he pulls out said photo and shows her
See?J hummed, looking him up and down.
Well this other me has got good taste... Say, why don't we step out somewhere more private and discuss it?J follows him.
Good day to you miss, bye shithead, don't ogle too much she's uncomfortable you old pig.
And with that he's off.
he rolls his eyes
he gestures wildly with his arms, then feels the bite from earlier sting again
…owie.he waggles his eyebrows
I know you want to~he winks, before taking off his blazer and rolling up his sleeve
he watches her, a smug look on his face. He’s a lot leaner at this age so his muscles are more toned. He flexes in a not so subtle way…he sees her pretty face furrow in concentration and finds himself blushing, much to his chagrin
Missy, anyone ever tell you that you look like a star? And I don’t mean the movie kind.he grins
Yeah, a mosquito. A real big one.he chuckles
This one did, Starlight…he blinks
Starlight. Just…seemed ta fit, ya know? he blushes and coughs
…I mean. It seemed fitting.He suddenly looks insecure. Shit. She heard that stupid accent of his.
What’s the hold up, missy? I promise I don’t bite.he starts to panic, the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen had just been put off by him opening his big stupid mouth and talking like a Jersey street rat. Of course. He runs after her.
Hey hey missy! What’s the matter? Something in my teeth?his brow furrows, confused, as he stops in place. She just looks so frightened…
I’m sorry, Miss…I-I won’t do it again…Passes through to the bathroom and steers clear of them.
he scratches his chin and shakily holds out his hand
Like I said, Saul G Spamton at your goods and services, missy.Walking hes chewing the stim toy going downstairs, he's going to get some food
he tilts his head, puts his hands in his hips and laughs
Who else am I supposed to be?He looks smug “She’s totally checking me out”
Oh? Well I suppose I got a new suit for this season…got to keep looking fresh in case I run into a cute fan. he winks
he shakes his head
Sorry missy, as much as I want to tell you otherwise, I’m an honest man. That’s what makes me the number one rated salesman of this beautiful year of ‘97. Ehahahahe pauses for a moment, then laughs
Pretty and funny? Well aren’t you the whole package, toots.he walks through here and raises an eyebrow at the scene
Woah.... Didnt realize spamton's could be blonde.he waves at them both
he shakes his head and laughs
sorry, sorry I actually have to get going, prior arrangement. I'm just too curious, you know?he waves as he heads off
Have fun with your little get together~!he shakes his head
None of that stuff lasts. Friends and stuff aren’t as great as you think when you’re growing up. One day you’re inseparable, brothers even, but then they get adopted by the heads of some rich corporate dynasty and don’t have time for you anymore. Then you try to play catch up with them and when you finally make it, they get possessed with you and leave you alone at a table for five on a rainy Friday night.he shrugs, his eyes watery
Yeah. Maybe. But so what. They never accepted me for who I was so I became someone better. Once they realize they need me they’ll come crawling back. But you know what? he sneers
When they do I can’t wait to dump their asses on the street. That precious company of theirs is mine now and there isn’t a thing they can do about it. They can’t pretend to care about me any more. No one can.he looks shocked to see tears dripping down her cheeks. His expression softens.
Look, Miss. I don’t understand what you’re saying but…I’m sorry for making you cry. he looks down at the floor
I-I may be an asshole but I don’t like making people cry…not really…he shakily reaches out his hand and starts rubbing her back
Miss…Miss are ya alright? Please…I’m so sorry I-I didn’t mean ta hurt ya. I just…I just…he follows her
They walk around. There's nothing left to do, is there? They peek into all the rooms.
The ones that don't have anyone in them, anyways.
Eventually, he settles in his own.
The room has been 'fixed'. They go back downstairs.
He chucks a nanaimo at Black Ice.
Black Ice leans to the side, and lets it fly past.
the void swallows up the nanaimo.
As he heads down the hall he notices something heavy in his pocket…he pulls out the old brick of a mobile phone…he spends a long time staring at it. If anyone was looking at him, they would have seen the tiny glinting green light. A long strand wrapping around his neck and disappearing above. It was only a blink and you miss it moment…but It was Still There.
His steps feels heavy and he closes his eyes as he stands in front of Rosario and His room's door
He knocks
He begins to close the gap. Die.
Muffled through the caulk
YOU BETTER [Youlogize] ME
I LIVE MY [Cursed Possession] TO SERAFINO TARANTINO OR WHATEVER THE [Funk] HIS NAME ISHe looks at frozen with a big smile
Completely sweet and nonthreatening
He turns his arm into s huge, pink and blue arm with several spikes in it.
He turns his head into an old version of Anton's "disguise" monster face
He sits down next to the caulk.
He crawls near the caulk tomb
He shrugs.
He starts digging. Caulk is fun actually
He's free
Hes digging the floor now
He accidentally slips and falls into the hold he just made
He walks back and leans into the hole.
YOU GOOD????He kicks frozen into the hole
THAT •SHIT HURTEDHe prances to his bedroom and closes the door. Painting time :)
Leaves the room he will be causing problems today
Into his room he goes. He now makes a habit of locking the door behind him.
He goes to Spamtoons room
he gently shuts the door
he walks back to his room
he heads down the stairs
Up and at em again.
he gets on all fours and starts to chase
He gets on all fours and starts running
She’s upstairs now. She’s trying to trip Cassius.
And now she’s waiting outside the bathroom.
He pops out of his room
He walks back in
She picks up Cassius as he gets out of the bathroom.
he wriggles about
She holds him by the torso.
he starts turning to static
hold on one moment folks we are doing an icon change!
he's suddenly holding a blunt weapon
She keeps the static in his hands like a hot potato as she runs outside.
he stores the bat back in his inventory
NOhe takes out his blunt weapon
He is taking a boot off.
Runs away runs away runs away
He's not even like lifting his foot up he's just standing there barefoot.
camera f lash
Puts boot back on.
quick as lightning a mega tube of caulk falls at rapid speed on frozen
He's there, crying, one foot out, one boot, mourning the loss of nubert
from the ceiling, a nubert plush falls into anton's arms.
He compulsively stores it in his inventory, thank you void <3
He takes the other boot off
and starts walking aroundHe picks up Anton's boot and tosses it on him
On who actually
He's slowly stepping back away from Anton as he speaks
He's running at him with foam in his mouth
Bitches be running!!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHe tries biting and gripping him but only as a joke really. He doesn't feel like killing an old man
WAIT he goes outside
There's gotta be some sort of hobby he can pick up.
He paces around a bit. He definitely doesn't want to go to his room and clean up the mess, but he doesn't want to go downstairs and deal with All Of That.
He looks like he's dissociating
He pauses for a moment, the name is on the tip on his tongue.
TONY? NO. ANTON!! WHAT, GET HIT BY SOMETHING DURING ALL THE [fun times] OUTSIDE??He waves his hand around
Doesn't get it at all, but squats next to him anyways to vibe.
:^There is a beep. He digs in his other pocket and fishes out the tamagotchi.
WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING???He pulls the battery out. Nice and quiet now :^
He looks at him with concern
Ah...That. I [Mass ordered] it when i was [young] for youjust passing through
Night fellas! …nice tamagotchi remember ta feed it.He ponders it a bit.
He holds it to Anton.
YOU WANT IT???The laugh trails off. He's not sure what to do. Just a few more appointments and then none of it will matter anyways.
WELL I GUESS YOU JUST GOTTA WEIGH THE [pros and cons]!! [Deal or No Deal]!! :^
They try to shift the conversation, not liking where it was going.
I"M GUESSING YOU LIKE TO [collectathon] ANTIQUES HUH???He squints at Cassius
he turns and waves
he points up towards the attic
GONNA HEAD [up and away]He is fuming
he shrugs and nods. his energy levels are dangerously low
He gets up, scurrying after him
FINE. SORRY FROZEN BUT UH THIS IS [familial concern]he waves again at frozen and shuffles up the stairs. this is probably the most subdued cassius has ever fucking been god
He sits there for a few long minutes before returning to his own room.
He grabs his boots. And puts them back on with some socks
He walks inside his room
There was no need to sit and watch the work being done in that room, so they decide to take a look around again.
he finds his door and stands in front of it for a moment. It's been a while.
he finally opens the door, knocking on the doorframe twice before letting the door close again
he shuffles out here and makes his way towards the bathroom. He is much more subdued in his movements than usual.
Saul goes into his room
Agent Saul emerges in a blue suit, his dealmakers left behind in his room. He makes a pistol with his fingers as he "sneaks" along the hallway
he goin
he stands in the hallway, unsure of if he wanted to go back to his awful smelling room or rejoin society
<---- zoning out
he starts to move back towards his room... he's feeling a bit like a coward right now
he hesitates a bit before nodding, not making eye contact with him
he inhales from his cigarette and turns to blow the smoke away from rosario. his fingers and fidgeting around it.
he sighs, tapping his other hand against his thigh
he's not really aware of anything else going around him right now asides from Rosario, who addressed him
He raises an eyebrow, watching the scene and watching him
I can see that.”Ohhhh am I interrupting something”
”I am hoping to communicate with Rosario telepathically”
"I dont think you are but your BF is really going through it rn"
”He sure is huh. Let me grab his hand but also knock on Skunktons door”
He does that
he is looking at the wall when he feels a hand slide into his, which causes him to jump
[[A]]He does/says that stuff to Skunktons door
he relaxes a bit but still seems pretty tense, but he manages to squeeze sera's hand back after a moment
hey there [deerling]”Rosario this is so cool what’s 9 + 10?”
he manages an award losing smile and nods
Yeah we [woulda shoulda coulda] do that.... You seem [busy as a bee] right now though and I don't wanna [distact] you from thatHe snorts "We probably shouldn't abuse it but this is useful for later. Anyways go take care of your mans. We can catch up once it's all calmed down"
He seems to be just nodding at nothing
”Oh cool love you man you’re honestly so slay.”
"I think we should talk more , 'slay'. Anyways I'll stay until I'm sure he is going with you in a not milk radioactive room
”He has a milk room?”
"Spencer and Frozen ruined his /malelivingspace"
”Damn....... damn.... I want to fix his room immediately. Come with me to a furniture store or something”
he hesitates but lets out a small sigh, hoping its not audible.
yeah we can [spell attic] !he takes another drag and then looks at rosario
Haha, still gotta get together and talk plant stuff at some point [rosemaster]<<- did not notice telepathic gesturing because he's disassociating <3
"Don't worry I'll ssnd a cleaning squad tomorrow but i do wanna shop"
Hmm. Sounds good for everyone. I say you two come by. The fresh air really lifts your spiritshe smiles, it doesnt reach his eyes
sounds like a [game day] plan to me, rosario”YAS bitch slay Shopping”
We’d love to~!He gives sebs hand a gentle tug.
C’mon sweetheart."Aw man he is making me sad. I hope he feels better soon"
See you two aroundhe waves with his free hand and lets himself be led along by sera
he walks inside his room
He's so tempted to just drag Frozen on the floor but has decided against it, the man is literally a jawless patient
They love me for my jawless swag.
He arrives at his own room and turns the knob
Maybe I should just stay in my room until it's all done.
Into his room he goes, with the distinctive click off a lock.
he finds the door to spencer and rosario's room and doesnt bother knocking, he just clips right in
Scuttling to his bedroom
Walking as he talks
[Good eats] I have the blue prints, as for [bitch where] I'm going.he is following along, taking notice of skunkton and waving
He's up here, looks at each door and reaches a hand to one. A pause. Staring at it before opening it and watching the door change
... Haha... Well [wood] you look at that.J walks out of trashton's room and goes to his own, opening the door for everyone.
he goes downstairs
he helps J into Spamtoon's room
J blushed a bit. He didn't want to be a burden.
D-dad, I can walk...As she makes her way downstairs she sees Spamtoon’s door open. She sighs, closing it.
What’s going on that’s so important that you can’t even close a door?
Eventually manages to get up here.
Oh wow there's a lot of rooms here Austin. How many housemates are here?He makes his way to his own room.
THIS ONE IS MINE :^]Walking over to his room he curves his eyes it appears he's smiling from this gesture
Oh! The one you said you were doing a lot of renovations, though you also mentioned someone keeps ruining it and something about mods.He stops in front of Frozen's door and itches his side, like he's considering what to do. Finally, he sets the mug on the floor, next to the wall, right by the door frame, knocks on it once, and goes to his own bedroom.
He comes through here, and notices that there is no one around. Who the hell knocked??
He's holding Austin's hand and walks with him, he's also curious and notices the mug next to the door. His eye curves a bit. Austin has people who care.
Looking at the hallways he looks towards the Attic and Anton's room
... They'll [sea] me again [soon as possible]
He starts walking down the stairs
Epic room momence
he brings J to his room
he goes back to his room
Maybe in a few days he'll know what he should do.
Emerging from his room like a groundhog at the end of winter
He comes out, pocketing his spare pair of brass knuckles...they aren't as good as the ones he lost with Saffron, but they'll do. With that, he heads downstairs
RUNNING at very FAST SPEED down the hall
He trips on the carpet
Here again
he goes to Spamtoon’s room
He's sitting in the middle of the corridor like a gay cat
he pets him for a while
…kitty, ya need ya quit smokin. Ehahahe almost falls over
WHAT THe…He struts towards Esau's bedroom since everyone seems to be walking ti and from it + frozen prophetized it
he goes to Spamtoon’s room
I do that again but on the other way
Leaves his room and stretches
He goes to his room
Runs into his room real quick to pick up the tiny tiny tiny raincoat
Leaves his room, holding the coat, standing there, looking at Esau's door.
Hello godfather!
Oh he should get this hair junk out.
He steps out of his room and stretches, popping his back with a grunt
he smells pancakes! He heads down the hall
Peeks in here for a moment.
Happy Spring!He turns his head to the side and takes a moment to breathe slash get sneeze blueballed again.
Do you know where the flowers came from?He gestures to his door.
He steps around the flowers towards Nitsua's room
Angel's blessing on youOne of the doors shake, the rattling gets louder
Something is changing, there are several subtle shifting sounds coming from behind it, like large blocks of stone scraping against the floor. Eventually the noises stop and very subtly the door changes in design. The front of it looks like a cybercity from a different time and other designs featured on it.
The door is silent
He gingerly approaches the door, and opens it. Entering out of curiosity
They're here
Looking around
So I'm guessing we're here right?Waving to the passing duo
Hello and goodbye!
Anton do you happen to like tea?Shit he wanted to go to the attic
He walks downstairs into the kitchen, holding Corryn's hand
He walks with him holding his hand
All done here! And I fixed that gas leak! Can't believe such a thing was happening right under our noses!
Now to do laundry!
Now if I were a tv... Where would I go?
Still can't find a tv.
Waves at Sera as he passes by
Walks up to Esau's room and knocks.
..HEY. WE SHOULD TALK. YOU FREE RIGHT NOW?knocks again and the door swings open a bit.
walks in.
Opens the door to his room and lets Esau in first.
Is hold
He goes to his bedroom and locks the door
He's doing just the same thing lmao but he hesitates a little before going to the attic. Like he's looking down the corridor at the empty rooms.
They stop by Austin's room to see that he is at 89 percent. Then they continue on to Seb's Comfortable Hole.
He's in front of Austin's door and knocks just a little waiting to be let in he feels nervous. Will the room be empty or ...
He looks up and it takes him a moment but he curves his eyes in a sort of smile
Yes I ...I wanted to talk with you about something Austin.They're nervous, not a fan of Fiore. Something about him makes Nitsua... nervous. They back into the room, letting Fiore come in.
he sits here very politely for a little bit as he wakes up fully
he gets up and makes his way downstairs!
He's here now with Anton and waits. He knows he's gonna need a moment
He smiles and holds both his hands.
Let's take a moment ok? There are a lot of doors here and you may need some time.He looks around, observing the doors, including "his" own
Humming a little
We can try going to the kitchen and make some food, people tend to be in the kitchen. You may want water as well. I'm sure the reunion would be overwhelming.He takes a bit of time watches Anton and then lets one of the hands go but keeps his other hand on anton's
Ok then let's go say hiHe lets go of Corryn's hand, giving a smile and a look of "I've got this." and stretching. There is a noticeable lack of any cracking whatsoever
He's heading for Anton's room and knocks on the door
Stretches and leaves his room. No, he has not changed his clothes in three days, why do you ask?
looks back at sage and esau
STAY IN MY ROOM TONIGHT!Pokes his head out of Esau's bedroom
HEY DO YOU [Mind over matter]? SOME OF US HAVE [Pigment] FUMES TO [Smell]He gives him a mocking laugh and sticks his tongue out
And inside his chamber of artistic integrity he goes.
he chirps and enters into the denny's door
He sighs but just out of pettiness, and follows him inside
he heads out, magazine in his pocket, ready to tell Midnight the exciting news
he has returned
he picks up Esau
Buddyyyyy! Noooooooooo!he puts Esau down, his eyes suddenly teary
...B-bambino... he takes his little hand
he gives him a quavering smile
C-can ya say "babbo"?...close enough, he's crying happy tears now
Y-yeah! That's right! he sniffs
are ya sleepy lil bambino?he beams
I'll get ta be a real deal babbo?he smiles back and hugs Esau tightly, lifting him
Buddy, the honor's all mine.he gently puts him down
Do ya...feel a lil better?...he blushes
he feels the brick phone in his pocket
...I don't have a phone.Inver and Greedton are walking through carrying a sleeping Cassius.
Do not mind us.He gazes at Inver...uncertain...he doesn't smile
he hands him the perfumy light purple card
he waits patiently
he laughs, his cheeks a little pink
...Well, cuter, I'd say!he chuckles again, scratching his chin
Aww, you flatter me, misshe waves at bat sera
he smiles and blushes
She's my g-girlfriend... its really the first time he's said it, he's so shy about it
he scratches his chin
...he pauses...the hamster wheel is turning...his face turns dark red
R-REALLY? OH GOSH... he's got his face in his hands
...I'm so dumb...she m-must feel awful...He looks at Esau, wide eyed
Oh...g-g-g-gosh...he clutches the phone in his pocket
I won't!he blinks
Um, I didn't...he pulls out the magazine
he pokes his slight pudge
he blushes
O-oh, thanks, buddy, ehahahaha. Too bad you ain't popular too! It's your world after all! And you're more handsome than I am...he laughs
That's right, buddy! he smirks
I wouldn't say it if it wasn't truehe laughs and lightly punches him back
he chuckles
But they're such a tough lookin baby!he grins and flexes
You'll have guns like these!Sage yawns, tweeting. They took a little nap earlier, but now were awake, looking at Saul.
he flexes again
Sage peers at him.
And then flexes their arm like him.
he excitedly stamps in place
Yeeees! That's right! Lookit you! he tickles under his chin
Sage squeaks, purring as they are scratched. So good.
he chuckles
Hi, Neo!Sage peeps happily, baring their teeth too. Hi neo!
he gently pets Sage's head
Sage settles down, purring and nuzzling against his hand.
he smiles softly and leans down to nuzzle the top of Sage's head
he chuckles and kisses the top of Sage's head
Sage squeaks, purring. All the attention, oh yeah
he blushes and bends over a little to let him touch
he reaches out and touches
Oh…it’s actually…pretty soft!he nods
Me too! That’s when I used—er…didn’t use…motor…oil…Taking the hint, he goes elsewhere for help.
the hamster wheel is turning
…do ya think maybe one of your brothers could set us up?he gets a dazed look on his face at the mere thought of it
Ohhhh yeah…he grins
That would be nice…he scratches his chin and blushes
I-I mean…yeah. I would. A lot. Ehahaha…A bunch of Midnights doting on him and touching him? Sounds like heaven
he yawns
Well, I’ll see you guys tomorrow!he goes to his room
Heads to bed.
That’s what parents say right.
He walks up to his room
He stands in front of his door, and fishes something out of his tits.
He's just going around the house shoving shit in his void.
He emerges from his bedroom knowing the entire plot of Beetlejuice (1988) and also with a new kin
he smiles
I was just headin ta the kitchen! I can take that plate!he blushes
—Lemme…tag along when you’re flyin!he follows and waves at Sage
He walks down the attic stairs and down the corridor without looking and almost runs over Frozen
[[A]]He holds a finger up to under his nose, a thinking pose
WHAT DO YOU [Desire] TO LEARN? ?He shrugs.
I JUST FIGURED YOU WOULD KNOW, SINCE YOU SEEM TO [take a look] [ahead of you?] TO IT. He starts tapping his foot, also thinking.
He makes a "come with" gesture and walks down to his room
He sets the easel down in front of Skunkton's door, as well as a few wooden racks for canvases. Then he makes his way to his own room.
He comes out of his bedroom for some breakfast, doesn't see the stuff right in front of the door, trips over it and falls flat on the floor, possum instinct activated.
Woah that. Took a really long time didn't it.
He stands up, looks at what he tripped on and then sweeps it all up to his bedroom. Nevermind that he's fucking hungery!!!
He exits from the 2nd floor exit and takes a moment to straighten out his clothes before looking at his phone for the time.
Making his way over to Spencer and Rosario's room he knocks.
Hello?He wants to see Sage and Esau! He's been busy.
So he knocks on Esau's door.
he's made his way up here after circling the house. There is an Absurd number of rooms on this floor.
He’s just gonna sit here. He doesn’t wanna deal with anyone right now and people tend to just run past here so.
A look of pure fear, absolute dread washes over his face for a moment. He's already said too much. They'll know. Joe doesn't say anything.
He blurts it out, then quickly slaps his mouth shut.
If his skin could pale, it would. Dear god, he's said too much.
His face turns bright red at that. It's true he wanted to ask such a thing, but he didn't want to be upfront about it... and with Saffron starting shit again, this wasn't the best time either.
Uh... ah...OK! Ok this wasn't what he was planning on dealing with but he can work with this.
It's uh... still a work in progress! You can't tell him OK? This needs to be our secret, so you gotta pretend you don't know.Oh thank god he's protected Marigold for a bit longer.
He gives a sad smile as he hugs him back.
...He looks upset. He wants to see Marigold again. He wants to be with him, especially after this talk of marriage.
He looks up before heading to his room to answer the phone.
Steps on out and heads downstairs
he is standing up here, looking for an empty room. He feels drawn towards one with a white door and vibrant red crystal door handle. He feels like it was made for him. The thought makes him seethe.
he grabs the doorknob and enters, firmly shutting the door behind him.
but eeeevil
he is running towards his room. He has a portal back home in there. The second floor might as well be a maze to him, so it will take longer than it would a regular resident.
he wriggles and grits his teeth. Damn this house
he would just corrupt his way out of his hold, but his arms are currently pinned to his sides
he doesn't like where this is going.
he grimaces, trying to tug his arm out of his grasp
he grimaces, cursing that he can't bite him from this position
I wouldn't do this if I were you. You're a smart man Esau, basic internet safety protocols aside.he howls anyways, his entire form glitching out and giving him enough of an adrenaline spike to break his uncovered arm free and dig his claws into esau's arm, corrupting it severely. It turns into wireframes and sharp jagged edges
he digs his claws in deeper
If you don't put me down I will make you like me. Do you want that, Esau? It's not pleasant. I promise.he drops to the floor and doesn't stick around, running off with his hand held to his throat
he makes it to his room, and he is gone.
From a white and red door a figure emerges. Huh, it sure worked like that huh. But he isn't here to be wonderes by the magic of interdimensional travel. He's here to explore the vents of this place.
The small little thing pries open the ventilation system and crawls inside
A door changes for a moment, it swings open and out come 2 figures both of them holding hands.
He steps through right now he's holding Rosario's hand.
He turns to Spencer.
You sure are. Anyways. Home again.He smiles softly at that change
Pleasure to meet you again Saul. Hope things have been alright?He lets go of Rosario's hand to head for his room
[l8r] losersHe waves to Spencer
he takes out a notepad. “Only headbutt in dire situations”
He bows a bit
He chuckles softly at Saul
Polite! Well. Don't let me interrupt you two too much, I'm just going to unpack and be back for dinner later. He gesture at the huge luggage he seems to be carrying.
See you two later.he goes toward Spamtoons room
He's going towards Austin's room.
He's wading through the flood of balls from Austin's room and making his way downstairs
he is sliding out here. He is trying not to lose it
The find Sylvester's red and white door and enter through it, quickly leaving the chamber behind for their own world.
He's going downstairs now
Goes straight to his room.
to J’s room
he looks for Grover's room, keeping Esau upright
he takes Sage to Spamtoon's room
He exits the room he's heading back to his own room
He hums quietly as he walks into the area that he needs to be in. He'll have this job done nice and quick!
He is here and takes steps towards Anton's room to give enthusiastic knocks
His room's all cleaned up so he's ready for some coffee and prances downstairs
he steps out of him room and looks around. The balls are gone. thank god.
instead of walking downstairs, he goes to a window and looks out. He notices Spencer and another spamton he hasn't met yet. How many live here....
he is curious as to what they're doign so he decides to go bother them. Fuck it am i right?
He saw Chard go into Esau's room.
...He's not ready, yet. He goes back to his room.
He pops into his room and grabs some gum. As well as some other things.
He pops into his room to get things as well then goes back downstairs
oh ok
Heads downstairs with Sage
Passin thru oh so cutely
He runs downstairs
Up here heading for Frozen's room but then immediately makes a detour for an uninhabited room
He's looking over his hands now, black pixels at the fingertips to the wrists. He clicks his tongue.
I have a [bad news] premonition.He tries to get closer when he notices his feet are iced to the ground.
UH. TEEHEE.Looks at the ice at his feet and then looks at Frozen. He reaches over to grab his arm with a smirk.
Hmmm Then come [w/] me. I have a [neato burrito] magic trick.
He gives Frozen a solid tug (70) towards him, his other hand on the door knob
He gets yanked out of there, as much as it hurt.
Once Frozen is free he opens the door and steps through pulling him with him. He's hoping it's working as he thought it would and they'd end up in the kitchen
They're probably long gone now. He takes a glance into some of the rooms anyways.
They're not here. Well, there's always tomorrow. He heads downstairs.
He is here and goes directly into Frozen's room he is fucking it up.
he's whistling tunelessly, strolling down the hall
he shrugs
I mean, ya could go off rink...Sage waves goodbye to Esau.
Bye Papa! Fuck him up!
in the most innocent tone ever
he eyes them curiously
They smile at him.
Hi uncle Saul!They turn to him and smile, pointing at him, excited.
Holy shit, it's Frozen!!!They laugh, ears fluttering in excitement.
Fuck!he's literally saying gasp he's not actually gasping
They stare at frozen, and tilt their head.
Why are your arms black?he frowns disapprovingly.
They purr.
I wike your hair!he feels them purr in his arms...instant serotonin
They yawn and settle down against Saul's chest, purring, soon falling asleep. Seems like the growth took a lot out of them. Good night
he feels them purring
...aww... he pets them. So much serotonin...overriding...hampter brain...
he has a quavering grin on his face. He is Emotional. So cute....
he carries them into the casa del Saul, which he thinks is Spanish for "the cool pad of the coolest guy who's name is Saul"
Walkin back. Where are Sage and Esau? Where is everyone?
He catches a glimpse of something through Saul's door...
He's back here. It's a welfare check for his contractee, Spencer. He's making his way down the halls looking in each room. He's prepared gifts just incase he runs into anyone he knows.
A door suddenly appears with an explosive glow at the end of the corridor. It is lime and purple with flashing neon lights and bulbs. Steam is pouring out of it.
A 3ft tall Addison kicks the door open, the steam and glittery confetting surrounding him as he seemingly makes a well rehearsed gesture to greeting his audience
But... He's in a corridor. He stops mid Sentence, but not switching his expression
SURPRISE TONIGHT IT SEEMS! He raises his finger up, and green and purple sparks shoot out of his finger
He politely claps, it appears he's the only one present at the time.
Bravo what an entrance.He spots another addison, neat! Same hair dye too, awesome! Just what he needed. He does a polite thank you bow, walking closer to him, he seems to walk fast for someone so short.
THANK YOU MY DEAR CONTESTANT! WHAT YOUR NAME MIGHT BE?He looks at this new Spamton and tilts his head a bit at him. He must be new. Poor thing.
I'm Corryn Gabriel Santiago, it's a pleasure to meet you. What is your name?He smiles widely, his sharp teeth shining
MY NAME IS SPAMTON G. SPAMTON HONEY ARE YOU POSSIBLY CONFUSED OF WHERE YOU ARE? PERHAPS A LITTLE OUT OF TOUCH?He tries to place it gently, the man is new after all it's going to be a shock when he realizes what this place is.
His smile gets bigger, his expression actually unreadable
AND WHY WOULD....He clears his throat, his voice sounding much more amicable
And why would I need it, my dear Santiago?He figures it's better to be direct, though he does try to slow down a little so that he can process the confusing concept better.
This is a house filled with different variations of Spamton G. Spamton or those who hold the title or were formerly as such. It would be confusing to simply call you Spamton when everyone else will respond to the name as well.He starts laughing. A little too maniacally actually. Like this is the funniest joke he's been told in weeks
But no one else but me is allowed to be Spamton!He sees Skunkton
He makes a disgusted face, before turning to Corryn
I'M THE ONLY SPAMTON G. SPAMTON, SPECIFICALLY!He turns his attention to Skunkton
Hello we haven't met, though I've only visited this house a few times. But my name is Corryn Gabriel Santiago. I am to assume you're another Spamton inhabitant of the house?
He turns his attention back to the little guy he doesn't know what to say to him it'd just be better if someone who was here for much longer answers that
He claps his hands together with a grin, his hands are clenched.
I HAVE A SIMPLE AND FUN GAME FOR YOU ALL!He looks at Corryn, straight into his eyes, and bends his elbows and knees, imitating a chicken.
He claps
A marvelous imitation of a chicken. He's had worse taunts he's a businessman
He takes out the coin. It has a Spamton head in both sides.
IF IT'S TAILS: I KILL YOUHe clearly sees that the coin has 2 heads one on each side. He has decided to walk away he is not going to witness murder.
He listens to the instructions with the same vacant expression he always has on. Before Corryn leaves, he looks back at him
And back to Mr. Spamton
OKAY LET'S DO ITHe takes his coin, and flips it. He then shakes his head
UH OH! SEEMS I'VE GOT HEADS! TOO BAD FOR YOU... TOO BAD INDEED. He seems to give a pensive, mourning look, before going back to his grin, and opening his mouth unhealthily wide
A cocking sound is made
Wow that sounds strange
He starts blasting at his feet. These are actual attack bullets
He's dancing in place avoiding the bullets for a while. That's almost impressive. He rolls towards the first open door in the corridor, which is just on his right, and conveniently, his own. He does get a bit injured in the process though.
He starts laughing, and stops once he enters the door. Smoke is pouring out of his mouth. His job is done with this one. He already established himself here as THE Spamton. He decides to go downstairs as Corryn is there.
He's heading for his door now. Looks out the 2nd story window to see the boys outside having fun, he smiles a bit and then heads back to his world...back home.
Darts into his room
He has a few notes, for a few rooms and doors. While he intended on making it quick all the new factors do not guarantee he'll be back soon.
Still he places the notes. 2 for the Attic. 1 for Anton. 1 for Frozen.
They're simple promises when he gets back he has something for them or wants to go somewhere. He hasn't made a promise in a while. He stares at the last room. This is the only note that makes no promise. It simply states he's going for a walk and he's free to join him next door.
He laughs and slides the note under the doorway for Frozen before going to the room next to it.
Well here goes [nada]
The door is opened, it glitches and hes gone through.
He enters his room and immediately spots the note. This is weird. A note from Spencer, practically an invitation to meet up. Is there something he needed to say? He starts thinking of the reasons why Spencer would need to talk to him. If he wanted to goof off, he would just grab him... The thing with Black Ice? The human stuff? The two Spamton visitors? Or... Maybe something less serious? God hopefully it's something stupid.
He sets the note back on the ground, just in case, and heads to the other door.
to spamtoons room
He's covering his face. He totally blew it, still he feels a little better with Faxlore's reassurance
Really?He tries to straighten out, he's so easy to please
I mean I guess you're right I didn't clip my speech! Got all my words in! In front of a complete stranger after embarrassing myself!
He reaches to hold both their hands
I wouldn't know what I'd do without you two either actually.They both reach and hold his hand.
What a day! I'll cook tonight!He stops himself from rambling giving both their hands a reassuring squeeze
Yeah that sounds good!
He looks at each door
so which room should we check first?He looks at one of the doors and uses one of his extra limbs to give it a solid knock.
Hello? Is there someone named Frozen living here?Chayn opens the door and sure enough... There is someone in a fire fighters outfit taking thirst traps. Almost fits the bill. Save for the black hair and eyes and stripes. No this must be someone else.
They close the door.
When the door opened he made a screech of some sort and covered his eyes then covered Faxlore and Chayn's eyes.
Sorry! Didntmeanttointrudewwarentperverts ohgodwerejust looking for a guynamedFrozen Ipromisewedidntseeanything!He's still covering his face but this time out of embarrassment.
They're patting Octavio on the back.
Eventually removes his hands he is a lot calmer.
Right yes uh then do you know a man named Black Ice? It well this sounds weird, but these two said he told them to come back in 20 years and - I know how it sounds but they're really keen on fulfilling that promise and allHe gets a good look at Frozen and then looks at Chayn and Faxlore
There is a very long exchange between the Addisons and Plugboy, before they part ways. :) The matching Addisons do take a quick wander around before leaving
he's here. waiting near his room.
The walk up the stairs to here has calmed him down a bit though not by much.
He opens the door for them
You're welcome to come in!
He enters himself.
They are sure to not let go of Octavio's hand as they go in.
A nice little room, indeed!storms down the hallway
up here, to his room
he goes with J
he comes up and taps gently at Grover’s door
Hello? Does a Mr Grover live here?he smiles and holds out a pixelated envelope
he does a little salute with his mitten
he starts to disappear in a cloud of pixels...
there is a loud internet router noise
he pixels clear, he is still there
he looks a little sad
...normally I'm quite fast! I promise~he smiles, his magnified little eyes twinkling
I'm very happy t-t-t-to hear that sir!he waves, heading down the hall
You as well, sir!passin thru
Runs into his room, grabs tons of blankets, and brings them all into Esau's room
slowly goes upstairs, his thighs burn like crazy
Passes through carrying Sage
He steps out and pops his back as per usual…huh, it didn’t hurt so much today…he heads down the hall
Saul's door changes from purple to grey...slowly crumbling to can hear the muffled sound of several guitars falling from their mounts on the walls...the sound of cars whirring by his window grow slowly farther away...until the door is completely gone, all evidence of it erased...
...except for a single blade of grass that drifts to the ground.
J's door melts down into a goop puddle on the floor, slowly fading out of existence.
He looks back to Frozen
[Whale] if you miss it then I'll transform [l8r] so you can [study me under a microscope] hmmm?
He Thinks then pauses quickly going over to a few floor boards and banging them, once he's flipped a few he takes out wine bottles
Let's [starting line] with the [pool party] see if I can actually [put that down] in my inventory HAHAHe grabs Spencer's hand and hurries down the steps
He pops off the cork with his teeth and starts drinking as Frozen takes him downstairs
Joe’s door starts to become encased in ice. Once it’s finished, it stands there for a moment, like a frozen testament to it’s owner.
Then, a crack. And another. And another. Soon enough the cracks in the door are too much for it to handle, and it shatters, snow falling slightly.
There is not a door here, and all that remains to imply there ever was is a poster of a yellow Addison with a phone number on it.
Only a few more crates! Working hard pays off, and almost everything in his room is out. Road trip in a van for a living sounds extreme, but since his memories as a human emerged, it's something he's wanted to do. It doesn't help his other...older memories either, of timelines he doesn't understand the meaning of yet. Going from place to place, moving about to take a deep breath even if it's around the block just feels important these days.
He places a zip file down, checking all the contents in it and making sure he isn't missing anything
He's been going back and forth helping his friend with the crates. Announcing his motions, posing after carrying his stack and dramatically posing before looking at Anton for another order
He laughs a bit to himself watching his antics, giving a last look at the zip. All his little miniton suits were there.
Now we just take them to the back of the van and we can start the roadtrip huh. I'm a bit nervous but it's very [fun pak specil] He clears his throat
You know?He smiles and puts a firm hand on his shoulder giving a reassuring squeeze.
A deliberate and dramatic pause, a smile of a young man turned into that of a veteran adventurer, satisfied with where he ended up
Your Journey starts now Anton! Take in this feeling and remember it!
You only get to experience this sensation once. Letting go of his shoulder.
He laughs a bit, also patting his shoulder
He is caught a bit by surprise by Chad's expression. Hardly he's seen this side of him but it definitely feels important. He treasures it
Thank you for helping me at least get started. I'll try enjoying it as much as I can through it all.
That sounds like I'm leaving for a war or something, I should try to reword that! How about....I'll make the most of it in this new chapter of my life!He points at nowhere in particular, his finger
He laughs back to a jovial young man.
He raises his car shaped phone up.
You know I'll be texting! This thing's got some like...void wifi. What's the fun if you can't share with people you like? This is a life...where I chose the people I want to keep around.He raises up his phone as well, hilariously enough it's got a sword like design on it
putting the phone away he opens his arms out
It appears he wants to give the man a hearty hug
He sticks his tongue out jokingly
He then opens his arms and hugs him tightly
He goes in for a hug and lifts the man and twirls him around
He reaches into his pocket and hands him a picture
He laughs heartily
I'M SURE YOU'D LOVE HIM!He feels like a ragdoll and just lets him do that, laughing to himself
We should! I mean, I have an eternity to just get in my van and drive. The baby shower won't wait!
I like kidsHe starts walking with him towards another door on the 2nd floor
He finds a plain one and gives it a series of knocks before watching the design change and opening it. Though it appears a little slow and shaky of a process it's his world
ARE YOU READY TO GO ANTON?He takes the zip, and the last of his things, walking with him
Well no better time than now then! Let's go ! Impressive door skills man!The door closes they are off to have a fun time at the baby shower, they'll come back to get in the van